Neu­er­schei­nung: "The con­tri­bu­ti­on of men­tal si­mu­la­ti­on to the de­ve­lop­ment of in­tu­i­ti­on“ (Stef­fen, Gol­ler & Har­teis, 2020)

Steffen, B., Goller, M., & Harteis, C. (2020). The contribution of mental simulation to the development of intuition. In M. Sinclair (Hrsg.), Handbook of Intuition Research as Practice (S. 241–254). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.


Many professionals are confronted with tasks that require effective performance on the basis of incomplete or contradictory information. Crisis  response workers are appropriate examples because they support individuals after the sudden death of a relative but have limited time and opportunities to determine how best to help them. It is the particular characteristic of intuition that decisions are based on recognized situational  patterns  rather  than  deliberate  consideration; however, the development of intuition is not fully understood. This study explores the contribution of mental simulations to the development of intuition. The term mental simulation describes a set of occurrences rehearsed by an individual (Klein, 2003). These simulations are based on experiential knowledge, and they are used for evaluating possible courses of action. They may result in episodic memory units that establish schemata enabling professionals to take action or to make decisions intuitively.This chapter is structured as follows: First, the dual-process theory provides a basis for the distinction between conscious and unconscious cognition. Next, the concepts of intuition and mental simulation are elaborated. Crisis response work is described in  terms of its tasks, aims, and relevance to the concepts under  consideration. The interview study and the qualitative content analysis are then explained. The major part of this contribution, the presentation and discussion of the findings, follows. The conclusion offers suggestions for researchers and practitioners.

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