Neu­er­schei­nung: "The Im­pact of Di­gi­ta­li­za­ti­on in the Work­place An Edu­ca­ti­o­nal View" (Har­teis, 2018)

Harteis, C. (Eds.) (2017). The impact of digitalization in the workplace: An educational view. Cham: Springer.

(Beziehbar bei <link http: de book link-upb-extern>Springer bzw. als <link https: book link-upb-extern>eBook downloadbar auf SpringerLink.)

"This edited volume brings together researchers from various disciplines (i.e. education, psychology, sociology, economy, information technology, engineering) discussing elementary changes at workplaces occurring through digitalization, and reflecting on educational challenges for individuals, organizations, and society. The latest developments in information and communication technology seem to open new potential, and the crucial question arises which kind of work can be replaced by technology? The contributors to this volume are scholars who have been conducting research on the influence of technological change on work and individuals for a long time. The book addresses researchers as well as practitioners in the field of adult education and human resource development."

Aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis:

1 Machines, Change and Work: An Educational View on the Digitalization of Work (Christian Harteis)

Part I  Changes in the Workplaces Through Digitalization


Mind or Machine? Opportunities and Limits of Automation (Petri Nokelainen, Timo Nevalainen and Kreeta Niemi)
3 Collaborative Systems and Environments for Future Working Life: Towards the Integration of Workers, Systems and Manufacturing Environments (Raija Hämäläinen, Minna Lanz and Kari T. Koskinen)
4 Digitalization of Production, Human Capital, and Organizational Capital (Martin Schneider)

Part II  Educational Challenges on Individual Level

5 ICT Skills and Competencies for SMEs: Results from a Structured Literature Analysis on the Individual Level (Franz Lehner and Mathias With Sundby)
6 Effects of Digitalized and Flexible Workplaces on Parenthood: New Concepts in Gender Relations or a Return to Traditional Gender Roles? (Anne-Dorothee Warmuth and Ilke Glockentöger)
7 Learning in the Context of Work in a Digital Age: The Use of Digital Media in Informal and Formal Learning Contexts (Sin Sing Ang, Mariana Orozco, David Gijbels and Piet Van den Bossche)
8 Integrated Digitised Video Recordings in Postflight-Simulator Training: A Matter of Reflection (Yoriko Kikkawa and Timothy J. Mavin)

Part III  Educational Challenges on Organizational Level

9 IT Capabilities for SMEs: An Analysis at the Organisational Level (Franz Lehner and Mathias With Sundby)
10 Supporting the Change to Digitalized Production Environments Through Learning Organization Development (Christoph Fischer and Alexander Pöhler)
11 Agency and Learning in the Work of Software Professionals (Katja Vähäsantanen and Anneli Eteläpelto)

Part IV  Educational Challenges on Societal Level

12 Information Privacy in a Digitalized World: Privat Issue or Public Matter? (Franz Lehner and Aleksandra Dzepina)
13 Accessing and Securing Conceptual and Symbolic Knowledge Required for Digital Era Work (Stephen Billett)
14 The Digitalization of Work and Social Justice: Reflections on the Labour Process of English Further Education Teachers (James Avis and Cheryl Reynolds)