Con­fer­ence: The Di­vine At­trib­utes in Clas­sic­al Is­lam­ic Thought and in Con­tem­por­ary Is­lam­ic Theo­logy

The conference on the attributes of God examines developments within the mainstream theological schools from the early period of Islamic theological thought, throughout the period of reception and development of Ibn Sīnā’s (d. 1037) ideas in the works of Muslim theologians after him, as well as the ideas and developments in the contemporary Islamic theology. We seek to discuss the works of some of the most important theologians that played a crucial role in the process of the opening of the Sunnī and Šīʿī theology towards the influence of Ibn Sīnā and contributed to the process of systematization and “scientification” of theological works. Discussing these processes will help to challenge the widespread assumption of the decline of Islamic intellectual thought after al-Ġazālī (d. 1111), thus showing that the period of systematization of arguments in the works of Islamic theology and philosophy of the 12th and 13th century was in fact a very progressive and fruitful period of Islamic theology and Arabic philosophy.

The focal point of the conference will be questions and different interpretations of Divine attributes in Islam and – more generally – the conceptualization of God within different frameworks and models throughout the history of Islamic thought. Within this scope, we will investigate philosophical and logical premises and arguments that were resystematized and further developed by Ibn Sīnā, received, criticized and adapted by later theologians and finally turned into essential pillars of the systematic theological works in the post-Avicennian period within the main theme of Divine attributes (particularly focusing on the attributes of Essence – such as God’s Existence, Knowledge, Will, Power, Hearing, Seeing and Speech).

Through the discussion sessions we will seek to connect the traditional theological discussions with contemporary theological and philosophical debates and delve into interreligious dialogue, seeking similarities and connecting points and concepts between Muslim and Christian theologies.

If you wish to attend please send an email to Ahmed Husic: ahmed.husic[at]

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Con­fer­ence: The Di­vine At­trib­utes in Clas­sic­al Is­lam­ic Thought and in Con­tem­por­ary Is­lam­ic Theo­logy

The conference on the attributes of God examines developments within the mainstream theological schools from the early period of Islamic theological thought, throughout the period of reception and development of Ibn Sīnā’s (d. 1037) ideas in the works of Muslim theologians after him, as well as the ideas and developments in the contemporary Islamic theology. We seek to discuss the works of some of the most important theologians that played a crucial role in the process of the opening of the Sunnī and Šīʿī theology towards the influence of Ibn Sīnā and contributed to the process of systematization and “scientification” of theological works. Discussing these processes will help to challenge the widespread assumption of the decline of Islamic intellectual thought after al-Ġazālī (d. 1111), thus showing that the period of systematization of arguments in the works of Islamic theology and philosophy of the 12th and 13th century was in fact a very progressive and fruitful period of Islamic theology and Arabic philosophy.

The focal point of the conference will be questions and different interpretations of Divine attributes in Islam and – more generally – the conceptualization of God within different frameworks and models throughout the history of Islamic thought. Within this scope, we will investigate philosophical and logical premises and arguments that were resystematized and further developed by Ibn Sīnā, received, criticized and adapted by later theologians and finally turned into essential pillars of the systematic theological works in the post-Avicennian period within the main theme of Divine attributes (particularly focusing on the attributes of Essence – such as God’s Existence, Knowledge, Will, Power, Hearing, Seeing and Speech).

Through the discussion sessions we will seek to connect the traditional theological discussions with contemporary theological and philosophical debates and delve into interreligious dialogue, seeking similarities and connecting points and concepts between Muslim and Christian theologies.

If you wish to attend please send an email to Ahmed Husic: ahmed.husic[at]

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Stud­ier­en am PIIT

Warum Islamische Theologie bzw. Religionslehre studieren? Warum an der Universität Paderborn studieren? Was erwartet mich? Welche Perspektiven ergeben sich? - Das Paderborner Institut für Islamische Theologie stellt sich vor und beantwortet diese und andere zentrale Fragen zum Studium.


Stu­di­um des Un­ter­richts­fachs Is­lamis­che Theo­lo­gie (B.Ed.)

Das Unterrichtsfach Islamische Religionslehre kann im Rahmen des Bachelorstudiengangs Lehramt (Bachelor of Education für die Lehrämter Grundschule, Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschule, Gymnasium/Gesamtschule & Berufskolleg) studiert werden.

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Stu­di­um des Un­ter­richts­fachs Is­lamis­che Theo­lo­gie (M.Ed.)

Das Unterrichtsfach Islamische Religionslehre kann im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs Lehramt (M.Ed. G - HRSGe - GyGe - BK) studiert werden.

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Stud­i­en­in­halte im Rah­men des Zwei-Fach-Bach­el­or-Anteils­fachs "Kom­par­at­ive Theo­lo­gie der Re­li­gion­en"

Es ist möglich, das Studienfach Komparative Theologie der Religionen in einer Y-Version zu studieren, die es erlaubt, den Schwerpunkt auf die Islamische Theologie zu legen.

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Stud­i­en­in­halte im Rah­men des Zwei-Fach-Mas­ter-Anteils­fachs "Theo­lo­gien im Dia­log"

Es ist möglich, das Studienfach Theologien im Dialog in einer Y-Version zu studieren, die es erlaubt, den Schwerpunkt auf die Islamische Theologie zu legen.

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Forschung und Lehre am PIIT

Alle Informationen rund um Forschung und Lehre am PIIT sind auf der folgenden Seite abrufbar.

Was ist das PIIT noch?

PIIT On Tour

Auf PIIT On Tour finden Sie externe Vorträge und Beiträge unserer Professor*innen und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen.

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Beteiligung am ZeKK

Das ZeKK ist eine interdisziplinäre Forschungseinrichtung an der Universität Paderborn, die sich durch die Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Theologien und Kulturwissenschaften in einem Forschungsverbund auszeichnet.

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Lei­tung des PIIT

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Idris Nassery

Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology » Islamische Normenlehre

Room TP6.0.101
Paderborn University
Technologiepark 6
33100 Paderborn

+49 5251 60-4450 Send E-Mail Directions

Office hours

Sprechstunde nach vorheriger Anmeldung per E-Mail mittwochs von 12-13 Uhr möglich.

Stellver­tre­tende Lei­tung des PIIT

Prof. Dr. Muna Tatari

Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology » Islamische Systematische Theologie

Office hours

Sprechstunden dienstags von 10:00-11:00 Uhr nach vorheriger Anmeldung bei meiner SHK Sven Kramer unter

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Milena Mungiuri-Meißner

Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology

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Gabriela Rittner

Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology

More about the person


Is­lamis­che Norm­lehre

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Idris Nassery ist der Lehrstuhlinhaber der Islamischen Normlehre und Rechtswissenschaften.

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Is­lamis­che Sys­tem­at­ische Theo­lo­gie

Prof. Dr. Muna Tatari ist die Lehrstuhlinhaberin des Fachbereichs Islamische Systematische Theologie.

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Kor­an­ex­egese/ Hadith­wis­senschaften

Prof. Dr. Zishan Ghaffar ist der Lehrstuhlinhaber der Koranexegese und Hadithwissenschaften

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Is­lamis­che Re­li­gion­späd­ago­gik

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Naciye Kamcili-Yildiz ist die Lehrstuhlinhaberin für die Islamische Religionspädagogik und dessen Fachdidaktik.

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So­cial Me­dia



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