Gast­vor­trag von Herrn Har­teis an der Uni­ver­si­tät Ant­wer­pen

Herr Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis hält am 29.3.2017 um 19.30h einen Gastvortrag an der Universität Antwerpen, Belgien zu folgendem Thema:

Title: "Intitution and high perfomance: Understanding expertise in the domains of work."

The dynamic world of international labour markets requires workers who are competent and capable to cope with work tasks on a high level of performance. However, analyses of experts’ acting reveal the importance of intuition which refers to qualities of knowledge and knowing that go beyond cognition in a narrow sense.

The talk discusses several theoretical conceptions of intuition and related empirical research. A closer look into existing empirical studies reveals challenges of attempts gathering unconscious mental processes in empirical research.

Finally, desiderata for future research on work-related learning.