Neu­er­schei­nung: Hu­man Agen­cy at Work: An Ac­ti­ve Ap­proach to­wards Ex­per­ti­se De­ve­lop­ment (Gol­ler, 2017)

Goller, M. (2017). Human agency at work: An active approach towards expertise development. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

"Michael Goller gives a structured overview of the current discourses of human agency in relation to professional learning and development. Based on this discussion, the author develops a theoretical framework including human agency as an individual feature (i. e., a disposition) as well as a set of self-initiated and goal-directed behaviours that are assumed to affect employees’ learning and development (e. g., crafting of new work experiences). He then further specifies this theoretical framework and investigates it empirically in the domain of geriatric care nursing. Based on the findings of the three empirical studies conducted, the author discusses the relevance of human agency for the development of professional expertise of geriatric care nurses."

Es handelt sich hierbei um die veröffentlichte Dissertation von <link>Dr. Michael Goller, welche im Springer VS Verlag als eBook sowie als Paperback erschienen ist (391 Seiten, ohne Anhang).

Aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis:

  1. Indroduction
  2. Agency: An Abstract and Multifaceted Construct
  3. The Role of Agency in Professional Development
  4. Research Questions, Research Model, and Research Approach
  5. Study 1: Initial Insights into Work Agency in the Domain of Geriatric Care Nursing
  6. Study 2: Proposed Study Design, Instrument Development, and Pilot Study
  7. Study 3:Work Agency and Its Effect on Expertise Development
  8. General Discussion and Conclusion

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Die Dissertation wurde an der Universität Paderborn unter dem Originaltitel "Agency at work: A quantitative study on the professional development of geriatric care nurses" eingereicht und 2017 erfolgreich verteidigt (Gutachter: <link>Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis, <link http: fakultaeten pps paedagogik_iii team gruber_hans.html link-upb-extern>Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber).