Wel­come to the pages for postdocs at the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies!

We consider all postdoctoral researchers at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities to be postdocs, regardless of their career goal. We are happy to support you in your further academic qualification and with a view to career paths outside and within the university. Anda-Lisa Harmening therefore offers individual career counselling. Furthermore, the GKW's advisory programme provides all postdocs at the Faculty with support during their orientation and transition phase.

On the following pages you will find further counselling and coaching services as well as information on funding opportunities, networking formats and stays abroad. If you are interested in networking formats with professors, please contact Dr. Anda-Lisa Harmening. If you have any questions about stays abroad & for all incoming students at KW, please contact Anke Riebau.

The ha­bil­it­a­tion pro­ced­ure

Are you looking for information on your habilitation procedure at UPB or do you want to find out about habilitations that have already been completed? We have compiled all the relevant information for you on our page about the habilitation procedure.

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You are interested in possible financing options as well as subsidies during your habitilation? On our web pages on the topic of "financing" we give you an overview of various financing options.

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Are you a postdoc and would like to network with other postdocs or professors? Or do you need information on scholarship networks available at KW or would you like to participate in interdisciplinary workshops? You will find further information on all of these topics on the attached page.

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You would like to exchange ideas about your own career? Do you want to take part in coaching sessions as well as training courses for further education? On our web pages on the topic of "Careers" you will find links to programmes and opportunities to find out about your career options.

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Are you planning a stay abroad as a UPB postdoc or are you coming to UPB from another country? On our web pages on the topic of "International Affairs" you will find an initial overview of formalities and also have access to checklists for planning your stay.

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Equal­ity & Di­versity

Are you interested in topics relating to equality and diversity? On our "Equality & Diversity" website, you will find information on the services offered by the central Equal Opportunities Officer as well as an overview of possible contact points and contact persons.

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Con­flict coun­selling

Are you looking for contact persons and contact points in the context of conflict counselling? On our web pages on the topic of "Conflict Counselling" you will find possible contacts as well as information on conflict counselling at Paderborn University and specifically at the Faculty of Cultural Studies.

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Rep­res­ent­a­tion of in­terests

Are you looking for contact persons or institutions with whom you can discuss your interests and wishes? You can find more information on our web pages on the topic of "Interest groups".

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Sci­entif­ic work

Are you looking for information on research methods, good scientific practice and research ethics? Are you planning a scientific conference and want to get an overview of planning steps? We are happy to help you on our web pages on the topic of "Scientific Work".

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We are happy to help:

business-card image

Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913
business-card image

Anke Riebau

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

International Relations Manager / Faculty Coordinator Internships Abroad

Write email +49 5251 60-4013