General conditions of my counselling: confidential, independent, solution-focused, supportive

  • Confidential and independent. I orientate myself towards the person seeking advice, regardless of their career goal. This includes I do not pass on any information about you, not even to employees of the university. This also means that I do not promote a particular career path, but instead focus on your needs.
  • I work in a solution-focussed way.
  • I support you in making an informed decision, accompany you, but do not make any decisions for you. Rather, I want to enable you to take your career planning into your own hands (again).


Organisational details of my consultation:

  • A counselling session is scheduled for one hour and we agree on the approximate number of counselling appointments at the beginning of the process (4-6 appointments are the average).
  • The counselling usually takes place in person, online counselling is also possible.

Possible objectives within the counselling are

  • Development of an individual professional and interdisciplinary skills profile
  • Determining preferences for different functions (e.g. management, expert status) and areas of work (science, society, etc.)
  • Agreement on professional goals linked to your personal values and individual life planning
  • Identification of possible professional fields of activity
  • Strategy planning for your academic or non-academic career
  • Dealing with crisis and decision-making situations

Are you in­ter­ested in in­di­vidu­al ca­reer and ca­reer coun­selling? Please feel free to con­tact me! Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Room C5.312
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

+49 5251 60-3913 Send E-Mail Directions

Office hours

Individual consultations via Zoom (appointment needed) or simply contact me via email or telephone and I'll be happy to help you.