Wel­come to the web­site of the Gradu­ate Centre of the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies!

The Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (GKW), founded in 2021, is an academic institution of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Its services(counselling, events, workshops) are aimed at those interested in a doctorate, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and junior professors. The tasks of the GKW are regulated in the statutes. The GKW is managed by a board of directors and supervised by a management team. The news flyer of the Graduate Centre KW can be downloaded here as a PDF.

Doc­tor­al can­did­ates and doc­tor­al can­did­ates

Are you interested in doing a doctorate at the KW Faculty or are you already doing a doctorate? Here you will find an overview of all information on the subject of doctoral studies, as well as information on individual counselling opportunities at the Graduate Centre.


Are you a postdoc at the KW Faculty? Here you will find all relevant information on potential career paths, funding and networking opportunities and much more. In addition, we offer you individual counselling options to support and guide you on your path.

Ju­ni­or pro­fess­ors

Are you a junior professor and looking for information on the habilitation process, options for your career organisation or want to find out about the funding opportunities available to you? You can find all this and information on our individual counselling services here.

News from the Gradu­ate Centre KW

The next GKW events

10.10.2024, 9:00 - 12:00: KW writes (better) together

21.10.2024, 16:00 - 18:00: Informal knowledge about the higher education system

14.11.2024, 14:00 - 16:00: Thinking space for postdocs

News­let­ter of the GKW

Our newsletter, which you can subscribe to, informs you about news in the field of graduate funding (events, calls for proposals, information, etc.)

Email dis­tri­bu­tion list

You will receive all relevant information for your status group once a week via the respective status group mailing lists for doctoral candidates, postdocs and junior professors. You are welcome to send admission requests to our e-mail address.

Con­tact pos­sib­il­it­ies & events of the GKW

Board of Directors

The Graduate Centre KW is run by a board of directors. On this page you will find the current members of the board.

Board of the GKW

Clearing House

A clearing office has been set up at the Graduate Centre KW, whose members are elected by the Faculty Council. They advise the members and support them in finding solutions to problems that arise in connection with the academic further qualification of the graduate students and the cooperation with university teachers.

Clearing House of the GKW


The team of the Graduate Centre supports the implementation of all offers of the Graduate Centre KW.

GKW team

Regular events of the Graduate Centre

Information on the events of the Graduate Centre can be found here. We have also listed these in our calendar of events.

Events of the GKW

General meetings

The GKW statutes stipulate that a general meeting must be held at least once a year. Who is a member of the GKW and which meeting dates have already been set can be found on the members' meetings page.

General meetings

Networks of the GKW

The Graduate Centre KW already cooperates with some institutions at Paderborn University and initiates joint offers/events for graduates, for example. You can find our network partners on this page.

Networks of the GKW

In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary Stud­ies of the Pader­born Gradu­ate Centre for Cul­tur­al Stud­ies

Edited by Sabiene Autsch, Andrea Becher and Volker Peckhaus.

The new series "Interdisciplinary Studies of the Paderborn Graduate Centre for Cultural Studies" takes into account research that has been produced in the context of the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Paderborn University (GKW). The volumes consistently specify the epistemic potential of interdisciplinary work derived from the research findings. Interdisciplinarity is not merely understood as the compilation of research findings from different disciplinary perspectives. Rather, it relates these perspectives and thus broadens horizons. The series claims to stand at the intersection of academic research and reflection on one's own academic practice by focusing on the particularities of one's own disciplinary perspective and knowledge culture. The aim of the series is to provide a thematically open platform for different approaches within interdisciplinary cultural studies.

Requests for publication should be addressed to the editors.

Would you like to or­gan­ise spe­cif­ic events and/or re­ceive in­di­vidu­al ad­vice? I look for­ward to hear­ing from you:

business-card image

Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913