Over­view of fund­ing op­por­tun­it­ies

You can find initial information on the various options for funding your doctoral project on this page and on the information pages on doctoral funding by the UPB. Please contact Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening for individual advice.

Fin­an­cing op­tions

At Paderborn University and generally at all universities, you can be employed as a research assistant (WHK) or research associate (WiMi) with a Master's/Magister/Diplom degree. The following information applies to the general conditions for both types of employment:

...as a graduate assistant:

  • max. 3 years
  • max. 19 hours per week
  • current: 15 €/hour gross
  • Prerequisite: completion of the Master's programme
  • after completion of the doctorate, employment as a WHK is no longer possible

...as a research assistant:

  • Prerequisite: completion of Master's degree (or comparable degree)
  • Salaried employment according to TVL
  • usually limited to a maximum of 6 years
  • for the maximum fixed-term employment period of further qualification positions, see the WissZeitVG (website only available in German).

Job offers at Paderborn University can be found in the job portal of Paderborn University (website only available in German). Here you will find calls for proposals for positions at institutes as well as at central facilities of the university.

It is also possible to pursue a doctoral project while working. Accordingly, you can work in a professional field of your choice and do your doctorate while doing so.

Cultural Studies Scholarships:

Subject-specific doctoral scholarships:


  • Some scholarships are subject-related.
  • When receiving a scholarship, social insurance must be paid by the scholarship recipient him/herself if a combination with employment is not possible.

  • As a rule, employment of max. 9.5/10 hours/week may be pursued on the side.
  • Important: Please inform yourself at the respective scholarship provider and in the respective scholarship guidelines.

In principle, it is possible to receive a doctoral scholarship with simultaneous employment, depending on the regulations of the respective scholarship provider (scholarship regulations). For the scholarship of the Research Commission at Paderborn University, the following also applies: Gainful employment averaging 9.5 hours per week is permissible if it is pursued outside of the university.

Once a year, the Equal Opportunities Office of Paderborn University invites applications for start-up funding for female doctoral candidates, which provides one-time funding in the form of employment as a research assistant (at 100 percent for 1 year). Further information on application modalities, etc. can be found on the Equal Opportunities pages.

The Commission for Research and Young Academics (FK) awards graduation scholarships annually. The award guidelines define the application requirements.

The Faculty of Cultural Studies receives an annual research reserve, which is used in particular to provide financial support for research projects (small projects, start-up aid) and travel expenses for staff, as well as to fund scholarships.

Further information on the allocation guidelines can be found on the pages of the research reserve.

The Graduate Centre prepares several programme lines for funding advice. In this context, on the one hand, doctoral funding programmes of organisations for the gifted are presented and, on the other hand, advice on how to obtain funding is given in subject-specific events.

The Research Unit team will support you in acquiring third-party funding and submitting specific applications.

We have compiled information for you on funding opportunities for stays abroad.

Paderborn University researchers can receive financial support from the University's new Open Access Publication Fund for the publication of research results in OA journals, articles in OA anthologies and OA monographs. The open access publication of a doctoral dissertation with a specialist publisher is also eligible for funding, provided that no other means of publication are available. The prerequisite for applying for funding from the Open Access Publication Fund is that the submission of the manuscript takes place at the time of the activity at Paderborn University and that the researcher acts as 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' vis-à-vis the publisher. Further information, including information on funding contributions and applications, can be found on the website of the University Library (only available in German).

News­let­ter of the FIT In­form­a­tion Ser­vice

The FIT Newsletter bundles funding announcements and scholarships from various funding bodies and is sent to you regularly by e-mail. When registering for the newsletter, you have the option of selecting the funding bodies and subject areas about which you would like to receive information. For more information, please visit the website of the University of Kassel.

I will be happy to help you:

business-card image

Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913