Over­view of fin­an­cing op­tions

On the central pages for Paderborn University on research at the UPB you will find, among other things, information on funding opportunities. We have compiled some information below that is particularly relevant for postdocs from the cultural sciences.

Fin­an­cing op­tions

The Committee for Research and Junior Academics awards postdoc grants for junior academics (start-up financing and a degree completion grant). The calls for tenders of each application round are made public via the Faculty of Arts and Humanities email distribution list, posters on campus, and via our newsletter.

To support female junior professors and postdocs at Paderborn University in their research work, the Executive Board has set up a pool of academic staff positions within the framework of its Equal Opportunities Concept.

Overview on funding opportunities for women:

Information on specific funding and awards for junior academics

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities receives an annual Research Fund (Forschungsreserve), which is used in particular to provide financial support for research projects (small projects, starting aid) and travel expenses of scientific staff members, as well as to promote scholarships.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a range of different scholarships both for staying in Germany when coming from abroad as well as for going abroad when coming from Germany.

Further information regarding funding opportunities for stays abroad.

The Research Unit team will support you in acquiring third-party funding and submitting specific applications.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports funding and research cooperations for postdocs. Up-to-date information on applications and funding opportunities can be found on the DFG website.

Individual proposals:

Early postdoc phase:

Individual Funding:
Walter Benjamin Program

Project funding;
General allowance including a position as project lead

Funding period: 2 years
Employment in Germany: E13
Employment abroad: 1750 Euro
Possibility of extension by 12 months

Further information about the Walter Benjamin Program

Advanced Postdoctoral Stage:

Individual funding:
Emmy Noether Program

Project funding:
General allowance including a position as project lead

Funding period: 6 years
Employment: E15

Further information about the Emmy Noether Program

When qualified for a professorship and during the process of transition to a professorship:

Individual funding:
Heisenberg Program

Project funding (only within qualification for a professorship):
General allowance including a position as project lead

Heisenberg fellowship: 4,450 euros
Duration of funding: max. 5 years
Employment: E15/W2 or W3 professorship tenure track

Further information on the Heisenberg program


From early postdoc phase to qualification for a professorship:

Vacancies: Postdoc position (participation in DFG project or collaboration)

Funding period: depending on project duration
Employment: E13 to E14
Application: directly to the project lead

News­let­ter of the FIT In­form­a­tion Ser­vice

The FIT e-mail newsletter combines grant announcements and scholarships from various funding institutions. When registering for the newsletter, you can select specific funding institutions and subjects that you are interested in.  For more information, check out the Kassel University website.

I will be happy to help you:

business-card image

Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913