We look for­ward to ad­vising you as a doc­tor­al can­did­ate at the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies!

On this website we would like to inform you about all topics related to a Dr*in . phil. at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

At the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, we see the promotion of academics in qualification phases as an important task. The doctorate serves as proof of special scientific knowledge and skills, with which the doctoral candidate is awarded the doctoral degree after completion of the doctoral procedure . On our pages you will find information on planning and financing doctoral projects, stays abroad, networks and other counselling and workshop offers.

The committee that supervises your doctoral procedure is the doctoral committee. The doctoral regulations that apply to you can be found here (reading version). We have numerous counselling services at the Faculty, which Dr. Anda-Lisa Harmening will be happy to provide you with an initial overview of. Please feel free to contact us!


Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Do­ing a doc­tor­ate?

Are you interested in a doctorate? On our overview page you will find advice, further information and numerous literature references.

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The doc­tor­al pro­ced­ure

Would you like to get an overview of the doctoral procedure and/or find out about the publication of your doctoral dissertation? information? Are you interested in the tasks of the doctoral committee or the requirements of good scientific practice?

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Are you interested in possible financing options during your doctorate? On our web pages on the subject of "Financing" we give you an overview of various financing options.

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Are you an international doctoral candidate and thinking about a stay at UPB's KW or are you planning a stay abroad as a doctoral candidate at UPB? You can find an initial overview of formalities and access checklists for planning your stay on our "International Affairs" website.

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Are you looking for exchange opportunities with postdocs from our faculty or would you like to register as a scholarship holder in the scholarship network? Are you interested in interdisciplinary workshops? You can find further information on our web pages on the topic of "Networks".

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Would you like to plan your own career or discuss it? Would you like to take part in coaching and training programmes? You will find links to programmes and opportunities to find out about your career options on our "Careers" web pages.

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In­form­a­tion for su­per­visors of doc­tor­al can­did­ates

Are you a supervisor of doctoral candidates and looking for further information? We will be happy to help you on our web pages on "Information for supervisors of doctoral candidates".

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Equal­ity & Di­versity

Are you interested in topics relating to equality and diversity? On our "Equality & Diversity" website, you will find information on the services offered by the central Equal Opportunities Officer as well as an overview of possible contact points and contact persons.

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Con­flict coun­selling

Are you looking for contact persons and contact points in the context of conflict counselling? On our web pages on the topic of "Conflict Counselling" you will find possible contacts and information on conflict counselling at Paderborn University and specifically at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

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In­terest groups

Are you looking for contact persons who represent your interests as a doctoral student or would you like to get involved in higher education policy yourself? Below you will find links to institutions and contact persons who can help you.

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Sci­entif­ic work

Are you looking for information on self-management, research methods, good scientific practice and research ethics? Are you planning a scientific conference and want to get an overview of the planning steps? We will be happy to help you on our website on the subject of "Scientific work".

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Do­ing a doc­tor­ate with dis­ab­il­it­ies

You are interested in topics related to doctoral studies with impairments or need counselling regarding impairments and/or psychosocial concerns. You can find contact persons and further information on our web pages on the subject of "Doctoral studies with disabilities".

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In our FAQs you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions in the context of the doctoral procedure.

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We would like to draw your attention to our website for literature references on doctoral guides and further literature on the doctoral and postdoctoral phase (only available in German).

We are happy to help:

business-card image

Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913
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Anke Riebau

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

International Relations Manager / Faculty Coordinator Internships Abroad

Write email +49 5251 60-4013
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Sophie Jacobs

Dekanatsmitarbeiter/in Kulturwissenschaften

Promotionsausschuss, Habilitationen, Stipendien

Write email +49 5251 60-3955