After the doctoral process has been officially confirmed by the doctoral committee and the doctoral examination board of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, the question arises as to the form in which the doctoral dissertation should be made accessible to the public/published. Making one's own academic work accessible to a readership is an important step in the process of academic self-determination. In addition, the doctoral title may only be used after the doctoral certificate has been handed over by Ms Sophie Jacobs, secretary of the doctoral committee. You will receive the certificate as a result of the proof of publication or the conclusion of a publishing contract (see § 20 of the doctoral regulations). Either the publication (online) or the submission of a publishing contract (book and/or online publication) is decisive for this. According to the doctoral regulations (§ 20), proof of a publication or a promise of publication must be submitted within one year after completion of the doctoral procedure. The submission of the deposit copies or the publication must therefore take place within one year after the disputation. The doctoral committee may extend the deadline by one year upon justified application, as a rule not more than twice. Before going to press, the thesis must be submitted to the doctoral committee for approval.
In the case of cumulative doctorates, please note the special regulations according to § 20 (2) of the doctoral regulations. For the subject Psychology, we have deposited the corresponding information for you.
In the following, we have compiled information for you on publication possibilities, financing options, a possible timetable for the publication process and general information.