Fund­ing for ju­ni­or pro­fess­ors and postdocs at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

On the central pages for academics in qualification phases of the Paderborn University you will find, among other things, information on funding opportunities. Some of the tips that are particularly relevant for postdocs from the cultural sciences are summarised below.

Fin­an­cing op­tions

The Committee for Research and Junior Academics awards postdoc grants for junior academics (start-up financing and a degree completion grant). The calls for tenders of each application round are made public via the Faculty of Arts and Humanities email distribution list, posters on campus, and via our newsletter.

To support female junior professors and postdocs at Paderborn University in their research work, the Executive Board has set up a pool of academic staff positions within the framework of its Equal Opportunities Concept.

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities receives an annual Research Fund (Forschungsreserve), which is used in particular to provide financial support for research projects (small projects, starting aid) and travel expenses of scientific staff members, as well as to promote scholarships.

The Research Unit team will support you in acquiring third-party funding and submitting specific applications.

News­let­ter of the GKW

Our subscribable newsletter informs you about news from the field of the Graduate Centre (events, deadlines, project announcements, etc.).

Cal­en­dar of events

Our calendar of events contains all UPB events for graduates, sorted by status group. Feel free to take a look at the calendar's features as well.

Team of the Gradu­ate Centre KW

The team of the Graduate Centre introduces itself.