The "Interdisciplinary Workshops" emerged from a collaboration between PhD students, postdocs and professors of our faculty and was realized for the first time in the summer semester 2021. These workshops are directed at doctoral candidates and postdocs who are working on projects which have an interdisciplinary dimension. This may be because the projects incorporate findings from disciplines other than their own in order to discuss a particular topic, or because they use methods that are not considered typical of their own discipline, and who therefore wish to engage in a dialogue with colleagues from the respective disciplines.
The Graduate Center invites PhD candidates and postdocs of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities to this workshop once a semester. PhD candidates and postdocs who are interested in participating are encouraged to briefly present their project so that the organizational team of the Graduate Center can contact professors and invite them to take part in the workshop. Furthermore, participants are asked to provide an abstract of their research project and - most importantly - a description of the interdisciplinary dimensions of their project.
When presenting the project during the workshop, it is advisable to focus on methodological questions so that the following conversation can then focus primarily on the research design of the respective projects. The goal is not only to engage in interdisciplinary discussions about specific projects, especially regarding methodological questions, but also to facilitate a peer exchange about research and subject cultures at our faculty.