Dr. Alexandra Hartmann

Dr. Alexandra Hartmann

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik > Amerikanistik: Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft - Bereich Prof. Strube

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 5251 60-3526

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Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

African American Studies

Critical Race Theory

Black Humanist Studies

Sound Studies

Cultural History of the Progressive Era


Dr. Alexandra Hartmann
Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Karriere
Seit 10/2014

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Paderborn



A Fragile Hope: The Black Humanist Tradition in Anti-Racist Literature

04/2015 - 12/2019


in der Amerikanistik, Universität Paderborn 

10/2008 - 03/2015


der Fächer Englisch, Kath. Theologie und Sport für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen an der Universität Paderborn

09/2014 Erstes Staatsexamen in Englisch und Theologie

03/2015 Erstes Staatsexamen in Sport


Fulbright American Studies Award

Förderung eines Forschungsaufenthaltes an der New School for Social Research und SUNY, Binghamton

10/2018 - 12/2018

Visiting Scholar

Visiting Scholar an der Harvard University; Department for African and African American Studies (DAAD-Kurzstipendium)


Fulbright American Studies Institute

“Love and Rage: The 1960s and Contemporary U.S. Culture and Politics.”          San Francisco State University

02/2016 - 04/2016

Visiting Scholar

Visiting Scholar an der Washington University in St. Louis; Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures

Seit 10/2014

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Paderborn

Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Karriere

Fulbright American Studies Award

Förderung eines Forschungsaufenthaltes an der New School for Social Research und SUNY, Binghamton

07/2015 - 05/2024


"The Sonic Realm of Anti-Lynching Activism: The 1917 Silent Parade, The Crisis, and Harlem Renaissance Fictions." Conference paper, German American Studies Association (DGfA): American Soundscapes, Universität Oldenburg, May 2024.

"In Search of Authority and Purpose: Affect, Popular Culture, and the 2024 Election." Politische Identitäten und die Black-Lives-Matter Bewegung im Kontext der Präsidentschaftswahlen. Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, May 2024.

"Third Party Candidates." Politische Identitäten und die Black-Lives-Matter Bewegung im Kontext der Präsidentschaftswahlen. Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, May 2024.

"Listening to Progressive Reform Culture." American Studies Research Day. University of the Ruhr, November 2023.

"Capitalizing on ‘Crisis’: (Privatized) Immigration Detention on Screen." Conference paper, biennial conference,  International Association of Inter-American Studies: Criticism and Crisis in the Americas: Society, Nature, Exclusions and Resistance. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile, October 2023.

"Progressive Reform Culture and (the Many Uses of) Sound." Invited talk at the English Department, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, July 2023.

"Sonic Relationality: Progressive Minds and the Threat of Regression." International workshop, Relationality and More-Than-Human Storytelling. Augsburg, July 2023.

"Cornel West: Presidential Candidate and the 2024 Election." Invited talk, Philipps-Universität Marburg; July 2023.

"Caring Against Crisis: Care Work and Black Liberation." Conference paper, annual conference, African American Intellectual History Society: “We Can’t Breathe”: Crisis, Catastrophe and Sustaining Community in (Un)livable Spaces, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, March 2023.

"Housing at Mid-20th Century: Of African American Dreams and Nightmares." Invited guest lecture, University of the Ruhr Bochum, December 2022.

"Caring Towards Abolition: Notes on the Importance of Care in James Baldwin and the Black Lives Matter Movement." International Conference on James Baldwin. Nice, France, June 2022. 

"(Re)Politicizing the Teen Genre: On the Radical Utopian Potentials of Netflix’s Sex Education." Conference paper, German American Studies Association (DGfA), Tübingen, June 2022.

"'Our house': Phenomenological Reflections on Whiteness and the January 6 Insurrection.“ Conference paper, international and interdisciplinary conference People on Streets: Critical Phenomenologies of Embodied Resistance, Paderborn University, May 2022.

"African American Literature and Critical Race Theory in the Black Lives Matter Era." Invited talk, conference "Ein neues Amerika? Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft nach Trump." Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing und  Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung Dillingen, February 2022.

"Policing Black Lives: From Baldwin to #BlackLivesMatter." invited guest lecture, University of the Ruhr Bochum, January 2022.

"Complicity and the Christian Right: Challenging Anti-Abortion Logic." DFG Scientific Network: "Complicity: Enfoldings and Unfoldings." Paderborn University, September 2021. 

"Race, Repräsentation, und Popkultur: Perspektiven aus der Critical Race Theory." Invited guest lecture, lecture series "Differenz_gestalten." Folkwang University of the Arts, January 2021.

"A Hope Not Hopeless But Unhopeful: From Baldwin to Black Lives Matter and Back." Invited guest lecture, Augsburg University, July 2020. 

"The Anti-Racist Vision of John A. Williams' Night Song." Conference paper, annual conference, African American Intellectual History Society: The Black Radical Tradition. University of Texas in Austin, March 2020.

"​Of Nurturers, Organizers, and Strongholds: Portraying Black Womanhood in the Carceral State." Conference paper, German American Studies Association (DGfA), Hamburg, June 2019.

"Black Humanism and the Long Black Freedom Struggle." Invited guest lecture, lecture series "Current Research in American Studies." University of Osnabrueck, May 2019. 

“Precarious Lives in Jesmyn Ward’s Fiction: Childhood, Temporality, and the Second Nadir.” Collegium for African American Research (CAAR), Orlando, FL, Feb 2019.

"Stylizing Blackness from Frederick Douglass to Childish Gambino." Invited guest lecture, University of Erfurt, June 2018.

“'It wasn’t a match. It was a lesson:' The Black Humanism of Claudia Rankine’s Citizen." Conference paper, annual conference, African American Intellectual History Society: Black Thought Matters. Brandeis University, Waltham (MA), March 2018.

"Selma is now: Empowering Melancholy in Black Lives Matter Music." Conference paper, biennial conference,  International Association of Inter-American Studies: Reinventing the Social: Movements and Narratives of Resistance, Dissension, and Reconciliation in the Americas. Coimbra, March 2018.

"The Black Counter-Gaze: Revealing Complicity in White Privilege." Conference paper, international and interdisciplinary conference, Complicity and the Politics of Representation. University of the Ruhr Bochum, June 2017.

"'Issues of culture are migratory:' Claiming Humanity in African American Literature." Conference paper, biennial conference, International Association of Inter-American Studies: Human Rights in the Americas. University of California, Santa Barbara, October 2016.

"The (In)Visibility of Embodied Blackness." Conference paper, international and interdisciplinary conference, Embodiment, Perception, and Critical Practice. University of the Ruhr Bochum, July 2016.  

"Overlooked and Underrated: African American Humanism." Conference paper, annual conference, African American Intellectual History Society: New Perspectives on the Black Intellectual Tradition. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2016.

"'I Believe in Nothing If Not in Action:' African American Humanism and (Embodied) Agency." Conference paper, DGfA/GAAS Postgraduate Forum 2015, University of Bamberg, November 2015.

"Challenging Evil: Humanism in African American Literature." Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover, Philosophischer Meisterkurs "Das Böse", Prof. Susan Neiman. Neudietendorf, July 2015.

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge


A Fragile Hope: The Black Humanist Tradition in Anti-Racist Literature

Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Karriere
04/2015 - 12/2019


in der Amerikanistik, Universität Paderborn 

Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Karriere
10/2018 - 12/2018

Visiting Scholar

Visiting Scholar an der Harvard University; Department for African and African American Studies (DAAD-Kurzstipendium)


Fulbright American Studies Institute

“Love and Rage: The 1960s and Contemporary U.S. Culture and Politics.”          San Francisco State University

02/2016 - 04/2016

Visiting Scholar

Visiting Scholar an der Washington University in St. Louis; Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures

10/2008 - 03/2015


der Fächer Englisch, Kath. Theologie und Sport für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen an der Universität Paderborn

09/2014 Erstes Staatsexamen in Englisch und Theologie

03/2015 Erstes Staatsexamen in Sport

Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Karriere


Aktuelle Publikationen

(Re)Polizicizing the Teen Genre: On the (Queer) Utopian Potentials of Netflix's Sex Education

A. Hartmann, in: A. Franke, U. Küchler, K. Luther (Eds.), Political Education and American Studies, Winter, Heidelberg, 2025, pp. 213–218.

The Black Humanist Tradition in Anti-Racist Literature: A Fragile Hope

A. Hartmann, The Black Humanist Tradition in Anti-Racist Literature: A Fragile Hope, Palgrave MacMillan, n.d.

'Women’s work is never easy, never clean': (Strong) Black Womanhood and the Carceral State in Tayari Jones’s An American Marriage

A. Hartmann, in: A. Böger, F. Sedlmeier (Eds.), U.S. American Culture as Popular Culture, Winter, 2022, pp. 245–263.

Nothing Ever Ends: Critical Race Theory, Schwarzer Humanismus und Watchmen

A. Hartmann, in: S. Dickel, R.R. Ramershoven (Eds.), Alle Uns: Differenz, Identität, Repräsentation, Edition Assemblage, 2022, pp. 117–135.

The Sounds of Hope: Black Humanism, Deep Democracy, and Black Lives Matter

A. Hartmann, in: C. Cameron, P.L. Sinitiere (Eds.), Race, Religion, and Black Lives Matter, Vanderbilt Unviersity Press, 2021, pp. 246–275.

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