Lan­gua­ge Te­a­cher Iden­ti­ty (LTI) and Lan­gua­ge (Te­a­cher) At­ti­tu­des

This is an ongoing qualitative research study on emerging LTIs which explores avenues of how teachers’ ideologies towards the use of language emerge in preservice academic contexts. Our research uses a mixed-methods approach and combines short narratives with an online attitude survey to be completed by respondents before and after a 15 week-long course in TESOL. As part of this project, one strand explores emerging and changing attitudes future teachers of English hold towards the use of English in class (before and after in-service training). This includes attitudes towards the use of English vs. other languages (minority languages and/or German), but also towards the use of different varieties of English in the context of Global Englishes and language teaching.

Dr. Katharina von Elbwart & Dagmar Keatinge