Schol­ar­ship even­ing

At this event, liaison lecturers from funding organisations and members of the Paderborn University Research Commission, which awards scholarships for doctoral candidates and postdocs from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, will talk to interested graduates in a relaxed atmosphere about funding opportunities, deadlines and further information on scholarship applications. The following funding organisations will be represented, among others:

  • Paderborn University Research Commission
  • Study Foundation of the German People
  • Rosa Luxemburg Foundation e.V.
  • Konrad Adenauer Foundation e.V.
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation
  • Heinrich Böll Foundation
  • Villigst Protestant Study Centre
  • Target group: Doctoral candidates, doctoral students, postdocs
  • News: 
  • Registration deadline:
  • Registrations/enquiries via email:


News­let­ter of the GKW

Our newsletter, to which you can subscribe, informs you about news from the Graduate Centre (events, deadlines, project announcements, etc.).

Cal­en­dar of events

Our calendar of events contains all UPB events for graduates, sorted by status group. Feel free to take a look at the calendar's features as well.

Team of the Gradu­ate Centre KW

The team of the Graduate Centre introduces itself.