Welcome to the Department of English and American Studies at Paderborn University

Our department is committed to a broad perspective on language, literature, and culture in the English-speaking world. We offer degree programs for future teachers (GyGe, GHRGE/BK, Grundschule), a BA and MA program in English and American Literature and Culture, a BA and MA program in Linguistics, and a Ph.D. program open to a wide range of dissertation projects. 30 faculty members bring innovative approaches and international experience to their teaching and research. Guest lecturers from the English-speaking world and various opportunities to study abroad complement our program, building bridges from Paderborn to the UK, the US, Ireland, Canada, India, and Australia.

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Study and work in Atlanta, GA 

Arolsen Group

Ypern Excursion: Sites of Memory (field trip report)


In Summer 2024, the TEFL team will host the new and hybrid "New Approaches to English Foreign Language Education" (NAEFLed) lecture and webinar series, themed "Global Education" to which all students and staff are warmly invited. The first webinar of the series will feature Dr. Mona Nishizaki (University of Genoa, Italy) who will talk about Global Englishes Language Teaching. Lectures usually start at 4pm and will take place in L3.204; a hybrid…

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Informationen zur Anmeldung zur Mastermodulabschlussprüfung finden Sie hier: Anmeldung zur mündlichen Prüfung im WiSe 23/24 Handout zur mündlichen Prüfung/Master of Education/Vertiefung Englisch Frühjahr 2024 Handout zur mündlichen Prüfung/Master of Education GyGe/BK/Master-Modul Fachwissenschaft Frühjahr 2024 Handout zur mündlichen Prüfung/Master of Education HRSGe, G, Sonderpädagogische Förderung/Fachwissenschaft Frühjahr 2024

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Dr Andrea Krause, a senior member of the English language practice team, has been teaching at the Department of English and American Studies for twelve years. One of her main fields of expertise is academic writing – and students from countless essay writing seminars have profited considerably from her instruction and feedback. ‘Write to be read’ is one of her firm beliefs, and it is, therefore, hardly surprising that reading is also very…

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Das Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik hat im April erstmalig eine „International Partner Week“ an der Universität Paderborn veranstaltet. Zu Gast waren einige Partneruniversitäten des europäischen Austauschprogramms Erasmus+, darunter das Stranmillis University College in Belfast, das Jesuitenkolleg Ignatianum in Krakau sowie die Universitäten Gdańsk, Le Mans und Mostar. Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier.

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Book of the Month

In April Tim Illigens recommends...


Universität Paderborn
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Warburger Straße 100

D- 33098 Paderborn

Prof. Dr. Dominik Rumlich

Stellvertretender Institutssprecher
Prof. Dr. Peter Hohwiller

Angelina Skuratova

Stellvertretende Mittelbausprecherin
Maike Bauer