Clear­ing of­fice of the Gradu­ate Centre of the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies

A clearing office has been institutionalised at the Graduate Centre KW, whose members are elected by the Faculty Board. The members of the Clearing House are available to the members of the Graduate Centre (i.e. all doctoral candidates of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, all academic staff of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, all university lecturers of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities) as contact persons. They advise the members and support them in finding solutions to problems that arise in connection with the further academic qualification of graduates and cooperation with university lecturers. The clearing office can refer to the Paderborn University's conflict counselling service.

Understanding our role

The clearing centre sees itself as a bridge builder, on the one hand in the sense of helping people to help themselves and on the other hand as a bridge builder to other contact points that also offer support options. The members of the clearing centre are therefore process facilitators in counselling and/or conflict situations and see their role in terms of process counselling. Assistance and options for action are developed together. The decision-making authority in the implementation is always the responsibility of the person seeking counselling.



Typical examples of counselling issues

  • Different expectations of the counselling relationship that diverge in a conflictual manner or that have not been addressed at all
  • Role complexity and role diffusion (e.g. mixing of working and caring relationships), which can cause conflictual constellations

Are you unsure whether you are in the right place with your concerns? We will be happy to discuss this with you!



General conditions

The members of the clearing centre offer both digital and face-to-face counselling. For this purpose, they have access to a room outside the "usual office corridors" (but on the UPB campus), which is not labelled as such.

All contents of the counselling sessions are confidential and will of course not be passed on to third parties.

Follow-up appointments can also be arranged on the basis of the initial meeting. Individual agreements on the frequency of further meetings are therefore possible.

The work of the clearing centre is confidential. Information is only passed on after consultation. The contact person from the clearing centre can be chosen freely.

Guidelines for re­spect­ful co­oper­a­tion

Mem­bers of the clear­ing centre

Uni­ver­sity Lec­tur­ers

Ingrid Scharlau


Office: H4.129
Phone: +49 5251 60-2900

Aca­dem­ic Em­ploy­ees

Annette Bentler

Research Associate

Office: H5.217
Phone: +49 5251 60-3233

Sarah Lebock

Manager - Research Associate - Geschäftsführung ZeKK

Office: N4.347
Phone: +49 5251 60-4527


Laura Gerhardt

Student Assistant (SHK)

Con­tact us

If you would like to send an e-mail to one or more members of the clearing centre at GKW, please note in the subject line: Clearing.