We are de­lighted that you are in­ter­ested in a doc­tor­ate at the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies!

On these information pages, we would like to inform you about all topics related to a Dr*in phil. at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Supporting academics in their qualification phases is an important task for us. We look forward to working with you and are happy to provide advice! We have numerous advisory services at the Faculty, which Dr. Anda-Lisa Harmening will be happy to provide you with an initial overview of. Please feel free to contact us!


Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Do­ing a PhD?

Are you looking for initial information on advice and funding opportunities in the context of your doctorate? Do you want to find further literature in the context of your doctoral interest or participate in programmes and workshops? You can find initial information on our web pages on the topic of "Doing a doctorate?

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The doc­tor­al pro­ced­ure

You would like to get an overview of the formal process of doctoral studies at KW and/or find out about the publication of your dissertation? Are you interested in the tasks of the doctoral committee, already completed doctorates at the faculty or would you like to read up on the guidelines of good scientific practice?

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In­ter­na­tion­al mat­ters

Are you interested in an international doctorate and thinking about a stay at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Paderborn University? On our web pages on the topic of "International Affairs" you will find an initial overview of formalities and also have access to checklists for planning your stay.

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Equal­ity & Di­versity

Are you interested in topics relating to equality and diversity? On our "Equality & Diversity" website, you will find information on the services offered by the central Equal Opportunities Officer as well as an overview of possible contact points and contact persons.

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Con­flict coun­selling

Are you looking for contact persons and contact points in the context of conflict counselling? On our web pages on the topic of "Conflict Counselling" you will find possible contacts as well as information on conflict counselling at Paderborn University and specifically at the Faculty of Cultural Studies.

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In­terest groups

Are you looking for contact persons or institutions with whom you can discuss your interests and wishes? You can find more information on our web pages on the topic of "Interest groups".

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Do­ing a doc­tor­ate with impair­ments

You are interested in topics related to doctoral studies with disabilities or need advice on disabilities and/or psychosocial issues? You will find contact persons and further information on our website on the topic of "doctoral studies with impairments".

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In our FAQs you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions in the context of the doctoral process.

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I am happy to help:

business-card image

Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913