Fund­ing op­por­tun­it­ies for stays abroad dur­ing the doc­tor­al phase (Out­go­ing)

The Research & Consultancy Division of Paderborn University will provide you with general and individual consultation regarding the funding of international research stays.


Overview of renowned funding and scholarship programs

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship database

DAAD: Research grants for doctoral students (website only available in German)

DAAD: short-term fellowship for graduates, graduate students and postdocs for the purpose of participating the JSPS Summer Program in Japan (website only available in German)

DAAD: scholarships for doctoral students at the European University Institute Florence (website only available in German)

DAAD: Taiwan Summer Institute Programme – Short-term grants (website only available in German)

ERASMUS+ mobility for teaching staff (STA)

Erasmus+ mobility for further training and educational purposes (STT)

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM)/ mobility with partner countries

Fulbright Program

Heinrich-Hertz-Stiftung NRW (website only available in German)

Max Weber Stiftung: Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants

Paderborn University travel allowance grants for conference- fact-finding- and research-trips

The German Academic Scholarship Foundation: McCloy Program (website only available in German)

The German Academic Scholarship Foundation: ERP-Program (website only available in German)


*The selection does not follow any ranking and does not claim to be complete. Listing in alphabetical order.*

business-card image

Anke Riebau

Dekanatsmitarbeiter/in Kulturwissenschaften

International Relations Manager / Faculty Coordinator Incoming & Outgoing Students

Write email +49 5251 60-4013