Robert Wirth

 Robert Wirth

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik > Sprachpraxis

Research Associate

+49 5251 60-3613
Office hours:


Mittwochs 1-2 Uhr

Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

“‘A Small Seasoning of Curry-Powder’ in A.J. Cronin’s Hatter’s Castle.” Imperial Middlebrow. Ed. Christoph Ehland and Jana Gohrisch. Literary Modernism 7. 2020: 178-205.“

“His Bloody Deceptive Project: The Unjustified Confessions of Roderick Macrae.” Le Crime, Le Chatiment et Les Écossais /Crime, Punishment and the Scots. Ed. Jean Berton and Bill Findlay. Caledonia: Regards sur L’Écosse 2. 2019: 175-195.

---, Christoph Singer, and Olaf Berwald. “Introduction.” Timescapes of Waiting: Spaces of Stasis, Delay and Deferral. Ed. Christoph Singer, Robert Wirth, and Olaf Berwald. Spatial Practices 31. 2019: 1-17.

“Scotland: A Nation-State in Waiting.” Timescapes of Waiting. Ed. Christoph Singer, Robert Wirth and Olaf Berwald. Spatial Practices 31. 2019: 155-176.

---, and Cornelia Wächter. “The Chapters.” Complicity and the Politics of Representation. Ed. Cornelia Wächter and Robert Wirth. London and New York: Roman & Littlefield, 2019. 9-23.

"Cultural and Textual Appropriation in Alan Bissett's Boyracers." Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture  27.53 Cultural Exchanges in Scottish Literature. Ed. Martin Procházka and Petra Johana Poncarová, 2017: 101-122. The abstract is available at:

"Committed Tuppence-worth: When Celebrities Dabble in Scottish Politics."  L'engagement en Ecosse autour de l'enjeu de l'indépendance. Ed. Camp-Pietrain and Gilles Leydier. Observatoire de la Société Britannique 18. 2016: 103-127. The essay is available online at: .  

"Present and Absent Nostalgia in the 2014 Referendum." If Scotland ...Conjecturing 2014. Ed. Scott Hames and Adrian Hunter. Journal of Scottish Thought 8. 2016: 88-101.


"Nostalgia: The Elephant in the Room of the Scottish Independence Debate." Transcending Oppositions in Scottish Culture: A Symposium. Faculdade de Letras Universidade do Porto, Portugal. 2 June 2014.


"Heading towards an Unpredictable Past: Nostalgia in the Scottish Independence Debate." IF SCOTLAND. School of Arts & Humanities, Stirling Centre for Scottish Studies, Scotland. 23 August 2014.


"Committed Tuppence-worth: When Celebrities Dabble in Scottish Politics." Le 55e congrès de la Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur. l’Université de Toulon, France. 6 July 2015.


"Racing in the City: Spatial Relationships in Alan Bissett’s Boyracers." Place and Space in Scottish Literature and Culture. University of Gdańsk, Poland. 10 October 2015. 


"His Bloody Deceptive Project: the Unjustified Confessions of Roderick Macrae." Le Crime, le Chatiment et les Ecossais/ Crime, Punishent and the Scots. Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, France. 15 January 2016. 


"The Long Wait for the Nation-State: Past and Future Scotlands." Waiting as Cultural Practice: International and Interdisciplinary Conference. The University of Paderborn, Germany. 21 May 2016.  


"Notions of India in A.J. Cronin’s Hatter’s Castle." Imperial Middlebrow: Cross-colonial encounters and expressions of power in middlebrow literature and culture, 1890-1940. University of Reading, England. 24 March 2017.


"Putting the ‘Great’ Back Into Great Britain." Britain in Europe / Europe in Britain. University of Portsmouth, England. 23 June 2017.


"Brexitopia on and from the Small Screen: Keeping Britain Nostalgically Calm." ESSE Conference 2018, Masaryk University (Brno), Czech Republic. 2 Sept. 2018.


"Putting the ‘Great’ Back Into Great Britain (Vortrag und Workshop)." Aktuelles aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Großbritannien: Lehrkräftefortbildung mit der ALP Dillingen in der Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing, Germany. 29. Sept. 2020.


"Brexit: Nostalgia, Invasion and Political Campaigning."​ Lehrkräftefortbildung der ALP Dillingen, Online. 24.Oct. 2021.


"Complicity and Nostalgia: The Language Wars of Brexit." Complicity: Enfoldings and Unfoldings Workshop II, University of Dresden, Germany. 7.April 2022.


"De-shortbread-tinning Scot(t)land? Place and Space in Stevenson's Kidnapped" Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. University of Innsbruck, Austria. 24.9.2022."Letting ‘someone else rule your land’? – the Scottish Quandary" / "Putting the ‘Great’ Back Into Great Britain" Aktuelle Politische Bildung im Englischunterricht: Mitdenken! Mitreden! Mitgestalten! Regensburg. 1.3.2023.

"Letting ‘someone else rule your land’? – the Scottish Quandary" Fachreferententagung (in Landau an der Isar). 2.3. 2023


Review: From Arthur's Seat: Creative Writing from the University of Edinburgh edited by Alyson Kissner, Amani Al-Remal, et al. in The Bottle Imp, 20 (2/2016) Available at:

Review: Fallow by Daniel Shand. in The Bottle Imp, 21 (1/2017) Available at:


Timescapes of Waiting: Spaces of Stasis, Delay and Deferral. Ed. Christoph Singer, Robert Wirth and Olaf Berwald. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019. Spatial Practices 31.

Complicity and the Politics of Representation. Ed. Cornelia Wächter and Robert Wirth. London and New York: Roman & Littlefield, 2019.Complicity and the Politics of Representation. Ed. Cornelia Wächter and Robert Wirth. London and New York: Roman & Littlefield, 2019.

Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen

Complicity and the Politics of Representation (16.-18. Juni 2017) mit Cornelia Wächter (Ruhr Universität Bochum), Bochum Langendreer.

Reading Tour of Graeme Macrae Burnet (28.Juni -1.Juli 2017), Universität zu Köln, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Universität Paderborn.