Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies of the de­cent­ral­ised Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer

The Equal Opportunities Officer of the faculty represents the central Equal Opportunities Officer of the university at faculty level. She works towards the inclusion of aspects relevant to gender equality in the fulfilment of the Faculty's tasks. She must be informed at an early stage of all matters relating to gender equality in the Faculty. To this end, she can participate in the meetings of the Faculty's committees as a representative of the Central Equal Opportunities Officer with the right to propose motions and speak. Her areas of responsibility are in particular

  • Participating in and advising the faculty management in the preparation of the women's advancement plan and the report on the women's advancement plan as well as monitoring compliance with and updating the women's advancement plan. The faculty management is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the women's advancement plan and the preparation of the report.
  • Participation in appointment procedures and personnel procedures of the faculty, in representation of and in consultation with the University's Central Equal Opportunities Officer. In the case of representation, the central Equal Opportunities Officer must continue to be informed and invited as a member.
  • Participation in the application for funding within the framework of the equal opportunities concept and in the target agreements on equal opportunities between the faculty and the university management.
  • Member of the Faculty Board and other Faculty committees in an advisory capacity.
  • Counselling and informing members and affiliates of the faculty on gender equality issues.

The Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty deputises for the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty in the event of temporary absence. The Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer takes over certain areas of equal opportunities within the Faculty in consultation.

(Term of office 4 years, 10/2023 - 09/2027)