Gastvorträge am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
(Talks and Workshops Held at the University of Paderborn's Department of English and American Studies)
Das Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik ist stets darum bemüht Gastdozentinnen und -dozenten einzuladen und interessante Vorträge anzubieten. Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie Informationen zu den gehaltenen Vorträgen, sowie die dazugehörigen Flyer, Fotos und Informationen zu den Gastdozenten.
- 10.01.2025: Gastvortrag von Dr. Matthias Klumm (Universität Augusburg): "Investigations into discourse grammar-strolling along the syntax-pragmation interface", 09-11 Uhr, P5.2.03.
- 28.06.2019: Gastvortrag von Anika Marxl (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster): "International Service Learning - Cultivating Global Citizenship?", 11.00 Uhr, H 4.203
- 05.06.2019: Dichterlesung von John Agard und Grace Nichols: "Caribbean-British Soundings", 11.00 Uhr, L2.202
- 04.06.2019: Dichterlesung von John Agard und Grace Nichols: "Caribbean-British Soundings", 19.30 Uhr, Deelenhaus Paderborn
- 30.01.2018: Gastvortrag von Ansgar Sollmann (London and Berlin based photographer): "Fashion, Photography and Visual Culture", 14.00 Uhr, Raum NW 2 857
- 26.10.2017: Gastvortrag von Dr. Grit Alter (Universität Innsbruck): "Differentiation in Textbooks for English Language Teaching", 9.30 Uhr, Raum J4.219
- 25.10.2017: Gastvortrag von Frau Julia Reckermann (TU Dortmund): "Bridging the Gap from Primary to Secondary School - Research Perspectives with a Focus on EFL Reading Skills", 16.30 Uhr, J4.219
- 25.10.2017: Gastvortrag von Dr. Jennifer Schluer (Universität Kassel): "Investigating and fostering L2 reading comprehension at secondary I schools", 14.30 Uhr, Raum J4.219
- 04.07.2017: Gastvortrag von Frau Dorothee Kohl-Dietrich (Universität Koblenz-Landau): "Welchen Beitrag leisten Sprachmittlungsaufgaben zur Erweiterung sprachlicher Kompetenzen?", 14-16 Uhr, Seminarraum J 4.219
- 28.06.2017: Gastvortrag von Prof. Andrew Sanders (University of Durham): "Charles Dickens and London", 11-13 Uhr, Hörsaal H5
- 23.06.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. Allen Thurston von der Queen's University (Belfast) : "Research and practice of using peer tutoring in schools to promote student reading development", 11 Uhr, Raum J 3.220
- 22.06.2017: Guest Speaker Dr. Barbara McConnell von der Stranmillis University College: "The Northern Ireland Education System: Challenges for the Early Years Sector", 9 Uhr, Raum C1
- 14.06.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. Mihaela Irimia von der Partneruniversität Bukarest: "Baubles and Books: London & the Consumption of Goods in Classic Modernity" 9 - 11 Uhr, Hörsaal H7
- 31.05.2017: Guest Speaker Prof.William Decker (Oklahoma State University): "Walt Whitman: 'Time nor Space, Distance Avails Not'" 11 Uhr, J 4.219
- 24.01.2017: Guest Speaker Simon Dickel (RU Bochum): "Afrofuturism: Octavia E. Butler and Beyond" 11:15 Uhr, J3.213
- 12.01.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. John Storey (Sunderland University): "Dylan, Drugs, and Utopianism" 11 Uhr, J4.219
- 11.01.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. John Storey (Sunderland University): "Culture in Cultural Studies" 18 Uhr, P5.201
- 07.07.2016: Guest Speaker Dr. Federico Rossano (University of California, San Diego): "The order of gaze behavior in face-to-face interaction" ab 9.15 Uhr, P1.102
- 31.05.2016: Guest Speaker Prof. Michaela Mahlberg (University of Birmingham): "CLiC - Studying fictional speech in context" ab 16.15 Uhr, J2.213
- 03.02.2016: Guest Speaker Dr. Arata Takeda (Freie Universität Berlin): "Mimesis and Violence in Tragedy" 16-18 Uhr, C4.234
- 11.01.2016: Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Laurenz Volkmann (Universität Jena): "CLIL and Literature: A Troubled Relationship?" 18-20 Uhr, J3.213
- 09.12.2015: Guest Speakter Prof. Dr. Rolf Kreyer (Universität Marburg): "Dear Man men and women madam, dear xxx sir", 9-11 Uhr in J3.330
What we can learn from revisions in authentic learner texts - 18.11.2015: Guest Speakter Markéta Johnová (University Opava): "The Interplay of Identity Variables in Computer-mediated Communication" in J4.319 at 15:00 p.m.
- 03.02.2015: Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Gisela Håkansson: Communication in humans and other animals in P1 1.01 at 14-16 p.m.
- 30.01.2015: Guest Speaker Julius Greve: Guest Lecture "Carrying the Fire": Writing Nature between the Orphic and Promethean Attitudes in Cormac McCarthy's Late Prose in P1 5.10 at 11.00 a.m.
- 28.01.2015: Guest Speaker Prof. Peter Leese: "Traumatic Memories: Narratives of War in the Twentieth Century in J4.219 at 11 c.t.
- 16.12.2014: Guest Speaker Prof. Anthony Pinn: „Writing Black Bodies into Existence: Religion and Subjectivity in Slave Narratives" in J3.213 at 4:15 p.m.
- 24.06.2014: Prof. Dr. Ingo Berensmeyer (Universität Gießen): "Shakespeares Autorschaft: Zwischen historischer Rekonstruktion und kultureller Obsession" at 18:15 in O1
- 18.06.2014: Prof. William Merrill Decker (Oklahoma State University): "Naturalized Identitiy and the Performance of Citizenship" at 4:15 p.m. in P1.6.1118.06.2014: PD Dr. Felix C.H. Sprang (Uni Hamburg):"Was? - Nicht tot? Mark Anton und das Nachtleben der Antike bei Shakespeare" at 18:15 in O1
- 17.06.2014 Prof. William Merrill Decker (Oklahoma State University): "Never-Ending Journey: The Trope at the Heart of Barack Obama's Second Inaugural Address" at 6:15 p.m., J3.330
- 28.05.2014: Prof. Shoba Ghosh (University of Mumbai, India): "New Narratives of Desire in Bollywood Cinema" ab 16.15 Uhr, P5 2.03
- 27.05.2014: Prof. em. Dr. Ina Schabert (LMU München): Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Shakespeares Überleben(de): "Hamlet darf nicht sterben! Ein Held zwischen Tod und Leben" ab 18.15 Uhr, O1
- 21.05.2014: Prof. Olaf Berwald (Kennesaw State University): "Poetry and/as Trauma", a discussion of poetric works resulting from and drawing on the 9/11 tragedy; at 6:00 p.m, Hörsaal G
- 13.05.2014: Prof. Andrew Sanders (Durham University, GB): Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Shakespeares Überleben(de): "The Bed, the Noose and the Battlefield: Shakespeare and Death"ab 18.15 Uhr, O1
- 15.01.2014: Prof. Tim Wood (SUNY Nassau Community College Fulbright Junior Professor 2013/14, Universität Tübingen): "Frank O'Hara and Billie Holiday: The Jazz Poetics of ‘The Day Lady Died" 16-18 Uhr, J 4.213
- 14.01.2014: Prof. Tim Wood (SUNY Nassau Community College Fulbright Junior Professor 2013/14, Universität Tübingen): "Freedom Narratives: Frederick Douglass, Hip-Hop, and the American Dream" 16-18 Uhr, J 4.312
- 19.12.2013: Associate Prof. Wan Ng (University of New South Wales, Australia): "Digital technology in education: Possibilities and issues" 11-13 Uhr, H 6
- 09.12.2013: Prof. em. Dr. Ina Schabert (LMU München): "The Self and the City: Women Discovering London in the Early 20th Century - Dorothy Richardson, Virginia Woolf, Rebecca West" 11-13 Uhr, P1.611
- 02.12.2013: Apl. Prof. Dr. Ilse Wischer (Universität Potsdam): "Grammaticalization in the History of English" 16-18 Uhr, L 1
- 25.11.2013: Prof. Dr. Scott Brooks (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA): "Black Men Can't Shoot (and Other Stories About American Basketball)" 18-20 Uhr, H 3
- 25.11.2013: Prof. Dr. Scott Brooks and Kara Brooks (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA): "Race, Politics and Aging in American Churches: Ethnographic Notes from Two Cities" 16-18 Uhr, H 3
- 18.11.2013: Dr. Kristof Baten (Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium): "Complexity and Developmental Stages in L2 German and L2 Swedish: Is Subordination Really Complex and is Second Language Development Really Unpredictable?" 16-18 Uhr, J 3.220
- 28.05.2013: Prof. Dr. Nilufer Bharucha (University of Mumbai, India): "India and Indian Literature in English: An Introduction" ab 14.15 Uhr, J 3.213
- 02.07.2012: Dr. Sabine Krome (wissenmedia in der immediaONE GmbH, Gütersloh): "Wörterbücher für den Englischunterricht an der Grundschule: Moderne Strategien zur Vermittlung von Nachschlagekompetenzen und selbstständiger Wortschatzerweiterung" 14-16 Uhr, H 6.211
- 24.05.2012: Dr. Howard Nicholas (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia): "Multilingualism and multimodality in a digital era" 11-13 Uhr, P1.2.22 23.05.2012: Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag (Universität Siegen): "Are creoles typologically distinct from non-creole languages? If so, why?" 11-13 Uhr, O.1267 15.05.2012: Thomas Pletzinger (Autor, Berlin) Gentlemen, wir leben am Abgrund (Lesung & Workshop). Pressebericht
- 19.12.2011: Prof. Lindsey Claire Smith (Oklahoma State University): "The 'Whole Foods' Paradox: Food Sovereignty, Eco-Iconography, and Urban Indigenous Discourse."
- 14.07.2011: Prof. Dr. Haruko Sanada (Rissho University Tokyo, Japan): Quantitative Analysis of Japanese Vocabulary using h-index. 14.00 Uhr-16.00 Uhr, P 1.4.17
- 06.07.2011: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Tischleder (Universität Göttingen): "A Sense of Place: Taste and Aesthetic Self in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth".
- 21.06.2011: Prof. James Van der Laan (Illinois State University): Reading the Midwest.
- 16.06.2011: Prof. Christopher Breu & Prof. Elizabeth Hatmaker (Illinois State University): The Hard-Boiled Point of View.
- 06./07.06.2011: Prof. Eric Sandeen (University of Wyoming): "Picturing Children in The Family of Man" und "Can't Forget the Motor City: The Other Midwest"
- 16.05.2011: Prof. Dr. Gisela Hakansson (Universität Lund, Schweden): " Complexity and grammatical proficienency - comparing L 1 and L 2". 9.00 Uhr-11,00 Uhr, P 1.2.22.
- 18.05.2011: Dr. Aleks Sierz (Rose Bruford College, London): " From Disney to Entron: British new writing for theatre in the 1990s and 2000s". 15.00 Uhr, Jenny-Aloni-Haus
- 05.05.2011: Prof. Neil Sinyard (Hull University): " Adaptation and Screen Authorship: Some Reflections on Alfred Hitchcock's Film Versions of Rebecca and The Birds". 16.00-18.00 Uhr, H 6.238
- 27.01.2011: Prof. Dr. Eija Ventola (Aalto University, Finnland): " Multisemiotic Research and Global Business Communiation". 11.00-13.00 Uhr, H2
- 19.01.2011: Dr. Matthew Fitzpatrick (Flinders University, South Australia): " Legacies of Empire: The History Wars in Australia". 14.00-16.00 Uhr, Raum C 4.208
- 19.01.2011: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Piske (Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd): " Immersion programs for young learners". 9.15-10.45 Uhr, Raum H 4.203
- 13.01.2011: JProf. Dr. Simon Dickel (Ruhr Universität Bochum): " Looking for Langston: Black Gay History and the Harlem Renaissance". 16.00 Uhr s.t., Raum H 7.321
- 11.01.2011: Prof. Dr. Gisela Håkansson (Universität Lund, Schweden): " Second and Foreign Language Acquisition: Similarities and Differences". 14.00-16.00 Uhr, Raum P1.2.22
- 15.11.2010: Prof. Dr. Johann Geertsema (University of Singapore): " Reading Coetzee's Worldliness: Said, Defamiliarization and Disgrace". 15.00 Uhr, TP 21, Raum 8215
- 10.11.2010: Prof. Dr. Melissa Johnson (Illinois State University / USA): " 'Schrankenlose Freiheit' in the Scrapbook of Hannah Höch". 9.15 Uhr, Raum H 7.321
- 02.11.2010: Prof. Dr. Stefan Uhlig (King's College, Cambridge): "Romantic Anti-Criticism". 11.15-12.45, P1.418
- 27.10.2010: Dr. Judita Giparaite (Pädagogishe Universität Vilnius , Litauen): "Small Clauses in English and Lithuanian". 11.15-12.45, P1.5.10
- 29.04.2010: Prof. Dr. Susanne Carroll (University of Calgary): "The Autonomous Induction Theory 10 years later". 9.00-11.00, B1
- 28.01.2010: Dr. Kathryn Allan (University College, London): "Snapshots of change: The history of English through word histories". 14.00-15.30, H2
- 26.01.2010: Dr. Nuria Yáñez Bouza (Universität Manchester, GB): "Grammar Myths. Prescriptive Traditions in English". 16-18 Uhr, N5.21621.01.2010: Prof. Dr. Anette Pankratz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): "Every Day The Office". 14-16 Uhr, H4.329
- 26.01.2010: Prof. Ralph Pordzik (Uni Würzburg): "Affective Performatives: Monty Python’s Comic Deconstruction of British Post-Imperial Nostalgia". 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM, H6
- 25.01.2010: Dr. Anna Chr. M. Zaunbauer (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): "Mathematikleistung und Motivation immersiv unterrichteter Grundschulkinder". 18.00-19.30, C 3.212
- 14.01.2010: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade (Universität Leiden, NL): "300 years of Robert Lowth: Late Modern English grammar and usage". 14.00-15.00 Uhr, H2
- 15.12.2009: Prof. Dr. Ralf Schneider (Universität Bielefeld): "Consuming Culture: Victorian Advertising and the Discourses of 19th Century England"
- 05.12.2009: Dr. Kate MacDonald (Universität Gent): "Female Middlebrow Writing: The Case of Una Silberrad"
- 17.11.2009: Prof. Annick De Houwer (Universität Erfurt): "The role of input factors in children's bilingual development"
- 16.07.2009: Prof. Joan Beal (Universität Sheffield): 'Shamed by our English? The 'New Prescriptivism' in the 21st Century'
- 15.07.2009: Prof. Joan Beal (Universität Sheffield): "Can't see the wood for the trees?" Corpora and the study of Late Modern English'
- 14.07.2009: Prof. J. K. (Jack) Chambers (University of Toronto) on „Multilingualism and Nationalism (with a Canadian Bias).“
- 08.07.2009: Prof. John Payne (Co-author of The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language) on "The Oblique Genitive"
- 17.06.2009: Prof. Roman Bezjak (Fotograf und Professor für Dokumentarfotografie, Fachhochschule Bielefeld) zum Thema „Archäologie einer Zeit – die sozialistische Moderne.“
- 16.06.2009: Professor Harry Brod (University of Northern Iowa) on „The People of the Comic Book: It’s a Man! It’s a Jew! It’s Supermensch!“
- 16.06.2009: Professor Karen Mitchell (University of Northern Iowa) on "Transformations of Hansel and Gretel"13.05.2009: Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiss (Universität Essex) on “The acquisition of wh-questions in Cypriot Greek“
- 12.05.2009: Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiss (Universität Essex) on "The Acquisition of morphological paradigms"
- 05.05.2009: Prof. Bruce Dorsey (Swarthmore College) on "Murder in a Mill Town: Interpretions of Sex, Gossip, Religion, and Insanity in the Early U.S. Republic"
- 22.04.2009: John Banville (Romancier, Literaturkritiker & Booker-Preisträger) Lesung
- 28.01.2009: Dr. Holly Banigan (University of Edinburgh) on Syntactic priming of English possessive constructions: Lexical and conceptual influences
- 27.01.2009: Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiss (University of Essex) on Production methods in language acquisition research
- 17.12.2008: Prof. Letizia Vezzosi (University of Perugia) on Celtic influence on English: the case of the reflexive marking
- 16.12.2008: Prof. Letizia Vezzosi (University of Perugia) on Gender marking in English: an historical perspective
- 16.12.2008: Prof. Letizia Vezzosi (University of Perugia) on A new reciprocal marker in Italian: a case study
- 15.12.08: Dr. Astrid Böger (University of Nijmegen) on "Regarding Femmes, Ladies, and Housewives: Portraits of Women in Modernist Poetry"
- 11.12.2008: Prof. John Storey (University of Sunderland) on The Counterculture: Dylan, Drugs, and America's War in Vietnam
- 09.12.2009: Dr. Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (Universität Freiburg) on Varieties of English world-wide in a typological perspective
- 02.12.08 Prof. Dr. Melinda Russell (Carleton College, Minnesota) on Reggae Abroad: From Third World Music to First World Use
- 27. 11. 2008: Alana Sobelman (Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, Israel) on Fiddler on the Move. Developments in Klezmer Music
- 18.11.2008: Mario Chandler (Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, USA) on Latinos in the > United States. A Literary and Historical Overview
- 10.11.2008: Paul Spickard (University of California - Santa Barbara) on „The US after the Elections.“
- 09.07.2008: Dr. Victorina Gonzalez-Diaz (University of Liverpool) on Grammaticalisation and subjectivisation: The case of little in the history of English
- 03.07.2008: Elisabeth Schäfer-Wünsche (Universität Bonn) on „Reading American Autobiography”
- 26.06.2008: Dr. Monika S. Schmid (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) on Problems and challenges for language attrition research
- 25.06.2008: Prof. John Haiman (Macalester College) on Exaptation and the emergence of new words
- 23.06.08: Dr. Georg Schiller (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) on "The American Renaissance: Reading The Scarlet Letter and the Message to Emerson"
- 27.05.2008: Carlo Rotella (Boston College): „On Writing and Boxing“ (video lecture)
- 27.05.2008: James van der Laan (Illinois State University): „On Plastic Words“
- 29.04.2008: Rüdiger Heinze (Universität Freiburg)on „Reading Rocky“
- 19.03.2008: Dr. Carolin Biewer (Universität Heidelberg) on South Pacific Englishes - Outer circle varieties of English in Fiji, Samoa and the Cook Islands
- 07.01.2008: Prof. Doris Schönefeld (Universität Bochum) on Construction Grammar
- 11.12.2007: Anne Schönharting (Fotoagentur Ostkreuz) on „Kinderarmut fotografieren”
- 03.12.2007: Sabine Sielke (Universität Bonn) und Walter Grünzweig (Universität Dortmund) on „The Pleasures of Poetry: Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman”
- 27.11.2007: Mareike Schomerus (London School of Economics): „The Story of Mende Nazer”Mareike Schomerus (London School of Economics): „The Story of Mende Nazer”
- 26.08.2007: Prof. Ingo Plag (Universität Siegen) on The variability of compound stress in English: structural, semantic and analogical factors
- 31.05.2007: Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (Universität Freiburg) on Persistance as an determinant in grammatical variation
- 24.01.2007: Prof. Gerhard Jäger (Universität Bielefeld) on Language usage and functional grounding
- 05.12.2006: Dr. Elena Seoane (Santiago de Compostela) on Investigating language change in scientific English