Gastvorträge am In­sti­tut für Ang­listik und Amerik­an­istik

(Talks and Workshops Held at the University of Paderborn's Department of English and American Studies)

Das Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik ist stets darum bemüht Gastdozentinnen und -dozenten einzuladen und interessante Vorträge anzubieten. Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie Informationen zu den gehaltenen Vorträgen, sowie die dazugehörigen Flyer, Fotos und Informationen zu den Gastdozenten.

  • 10.01.2025: Gastvortrag von Dr. Matthias Klumm (Universität Augusburg): "Investigations into discourse grammar-strolling along the syntax-pragmation interface", 09-11 Uhr, P5.2.03.
  • 28.06.2019: Gastvortrag von Anika Marxl (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster): "International Service Learning - Cultivating Global Citizenship?", 11.00 Uhr, H 4.203
  • 05.06.2019: Dichterlesung von John Agard und Grace Nichols: "Caribbean-British Soundings", 11.00 Uhr, L2.202
  • 04.06.2019: Dichterlesung von John Agard und Grace Nichols: "Caribbean-British Soundings", 19.30 Uhr, Deelenhaus Paderborn
  • 30.01.2018: Gastvortrag von Ansgar Sollmann (London and Berlin based photographer): "Fashion, Photography and Visual Culture", 14.00 Uhr, Raum NW 2 857
  • 26.10.2017: Gastvortrag von Dr. Grit Alter (Universität Innsbruck): "Differentiation in Textbooks for English Language Teaching", 9.30 Uhr, Raum J4.219
  • 25.10.2017: Gastvortrag von Frau Julia Reckermann (TU Dortmund): "Bridging the Gap from Primary to Secondary School - Research Perspectives with a Focus on EFL Reading Skills", 16.30 Uhr, J4.219
  • 25.10.2017: Gastvortrag von Dr. Jennifer Schluer (Universität Kassel): "Investigating and fostering L2 reading comprehension at secondary I schools", 14.30 Uhr, Raum J4.219
  • 04.07.2017: Gastvortrag von Frau Dorothee Kohl-Dietrich (Universität Koblenz-Landau): "Welchen Beitrag leisten Sprachmittlungsaufgaben zur Erweiterung sprachlicher Kompetenzen?", 14-16 Uhr, Seminarraum J 4.219
  • 28.06.2017: Gastvortrag von Prof. Andrew Sanders (University of Durham): "Charles Dickens and London", 11-13 Uhr, Hörsaal H5
  • 23.06.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. Allen Thurston von der Queen's University (Belfast) : "Research and practice of using peer tutoring in schools to promote student reading development", 11 Uhr, Raum J 3.220
  • 22.06.2017: Guest Speaker Dr. Barbara McConnell von der Stranmillis University College: "The Northern Ireland Education System: Challenges for the Early Years Sector", 9 Uhr, Raum C1
  • 14.06.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. Mihaela Irimia von der Partneruniversität Bukarest: "Baubles and Books: London & the Consumption of Goods in Classic Modernity" 9 - 11 Uhr, Hörsaal H7
  • 31.05.2017: Guest Speaker Prof.William Decker (Oklahoma State University): "Walt Whitman: 'Time nor Space, Distance Avails Not'" 11 Uhr, J 4.219
  • 24.01.2017: Guest Speaker Simon Dickel (RU Bochum): "Afrofuturism: Octavia E. Butler and Beyond" 11:15 Uhr, J3.213
  • 12.01.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. John Storey (Sunderland University): "Dylan, Drugs, and Utopianism" 11 Uhr, J4.219
  • 11.01.2017: Guest Speaker Prof. John Storey (Sunderland University): "Culture in Cultural Studies" 18 Uhr, P5.201
  • 07.07.2016: Guest Speaker Dr. Federico Rossano (University of California, San Diego): "The order of gaze behavior in face-to-face interaction" ab 9.15 Uhr, P1.102
  • 31.05.2016: Guest Speaker Prof. Michaela Mahlberg (University of Birmingham): "CLiC - Studying fictional speech in context" ab 16.15 Uhr, J2.213
  • 03.02.2016: Guest Speaker Dr. Arata Takeda (Freie Universität Berlin): "Mimesis and Violence in Tragedy" 16-18 Uhr, C4.234
  • 11.01.2016: Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Laurenz Volkmann (Universität Jena): "CLIL and Literature: A Troubled Relationship?" 18-20 Uhr, J3.213
  • 09.12.2015: Guest Speakter Prof. Dr. Rolf Kreyer (Universität Marburg): "Dear Man men and women madam, dear xxx sir", 9-11 Uhr in J3.330
    What we can learn from revisions in authentic learner texts
  • 18.11.2015: Guest Speakter Markéta Johnová (University Opava): "The Interplay of Identity Variables in Computer-mediated Communication" in J4.319 at 15:00 p.m.
  • 03.02.2015: Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Gisela Håkansson: Communication in humans and other animals in P1 1.01 at 14-16 p.m.
  • 30.01.2015: Guest Speaker Julius Greve: Guest Lecture "Carrying the Fire": Writing Nature between the Orphic  and Promethean Attitudes in Cormac McCarthy's Late Prose in P1 5.10 at 11.00 a.m.
  • 28.01.2015: Guest Speaker Prof. Peter Leese: "Traumatic Memories: Narratives of War in the Twentieth Century in J4.219 at 11 c.t.
  • 16.12.2014: Guest Speaker Prof. Anthony Pinn: „Writing Black Bodies into Existence: Religion and Subjectivity in Slave Narratives" in J3.213 at 4:15 p.m.
  • 24.06.2014: Prof. Dr. Ingo Berensmeyer  (Universität Gießen): "Shakespeares Autorschaft: Zwischen historischer Rekonstruktion und kultureller Obsession" at 18:15 in O1
  • 18.06.2014: Prof. William Merrill Decker  (Oklahoma State University): "Naturalized Identitiy and the Performance of Citizenship" at 4:15 p.m. in P1.6.1118.06.2014: PD Dr. Felix C.H. Sprang (Uni Hamburg):"Was? - Nicht tot? Mark Anton und das Nachtleben der Antike bei Shakespeare" at 18:15 in O1
  • 17.06.2014 Prof. William Merrill Decker  (Oklahoma State University): "Never-Ending Journey: The Trope at the Heart of Barack Obama's Second Inaugural Address" at 6:15 p.m.,  J3.330
  • 28.05.2014: Prof. Shoba Ghosh (University of Mumbai, India): "New Narratives of Desire in Bollywood Cinema" ab 16.15 Uhr, P5 2.03
  • 27.05.2014: Prof. em. Dr. Ina Schabert (LMU München): Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Shakespeares Überleben(de): "Hamlet darf nicht sterben! Ein Held zwischen Tod und Leben" ab 18.15 Uhr, O1
  • 21.05.2014: Prof. Olaf Berwald (Kennesaw State University): "Poetry and/as Trauma", a discussion of poetric works resulting from and drawing on the 9/11 tragedy; at 6:00 p.m, Hörsaal G
  • 13.05.2014: Prof. Andrew Sanders (Durham University, GB): Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Shakespeares Überleben(de): "The Bed, the Noose and the Battlefield: Shakespeare and Death"ab 18.15 Uhr, O1
  • 15.01.2014: Prof. Tim Wood (SUNY Nassau Community College Fulbright Junior Professor 2013/14, Universität Tübingen): "Frank O'Hara and Billie Holiday: The Jazz Poetics of ‘The Day Lady Died" 16-18 Uhr, J 4.213
  • 14.01.2014: Prof. Tim Wood (SUNY Nassau Community College Fulbright Junior Professor 2013/14, Universität Tübingen): "Freedom Narratives: Frederick Douglass, Hip-Hop, and the American Dream" 16-18 Uhr, J 4.312
  • 19.12.2013: Associate Prof. Wan Ng (University of New South Wales, Australia): "Digital technology in education: Possibilities and issues" 11-13 Uhr, H 6
  • 09.12.2013: Prof. em. Dr. Ina Schabert (LMU München): "The Self and the City: Women Discovering London in the Early 20th Century - Dorothy Richardson, Virginia Woolf, Rebecca West" 11-13 Uhr,  P1.611
  • 02.12.2013: Apl. Prof. Dr. Ilse Wischer (Universität Potsdam): "Grammaticalization in the History of English" 16-18 Uhr,  L 1
  • 25.11.2013: Prof. Dr. Scott Brooks (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA): "Black Men Can't Shoot (and Other Stories About American Basketball)" 18-20 Uhr,  H 3
  • 25.11.2013: Prof. Dr. Scott Brooks and Kara Brooks (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA): "Race, Politics and Aging in American Churches: Ethnographic Notes from Two Cities" 16-18 Uhr,  H 3
  • 18.11.2013: Dr. Kristof Baten (Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium): "Complexity and Developmental Stages in L2 German and L2 Swedish: Is Subordination Really Complex and is Second Language Development Really Unpredictable?" 16-18 Uhr, J 3.220
  • 28.05.2013: Prof. Dr. Nilufer Bharucha (University of Mumbai, India): "India and Indian Literature in English: An Introduction" ab 14.15 Uhr,  J 3.213
  • 02.07.2012: Dr. Sabine Krome (wissenmedia in der immediaONE GmbH, Gütersloh): "Wörterbücher für den Englischunterricht an der Grundschule: Moderne Strategien zur Vermittlung von Nachschlagekompetenzen und selbstständiger Wortschatzerweiterung" 14-16 Uhr, H 6.211
  • 24.05.2012: Dr. Howard Nicholas (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia): "Multilingualism and multimodality in a digital era" 11-13 Uhr, P1.2.22 23.05.2012: Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag (Universität Siegen): "Are creoles typologically distinct from non-creole languages? If so, why?" 11-13 Uhr, O.1267 15.05.2012: Thomas Pletzinger (Autor, Berlin) Gentlemen, wir leben am Abgrund (Lesung & Workshop). Pressebericht
  • 19.12.2011: Prof. Lindsey Claire Smith (Oklahoma State University): "The 'Whole Foods' Paradox: Food Sovereignty, Eco-Iconography, and Urban Indigenous Discourse."
  • 14.07.2011: Prof. Dr. Haruko Sanada (Rissho University Tokyo, Japan): Quantitative Analysis of Japanese Vocabulary using h-index. 14.00 Uhr-16.00 Uhr, P 1.4.17
  • 06.07.2011: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Tischleder (Universität Göttingen): "A Sense of Place: Taste and Aesthetic Self in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth".
  • 21.06.2011: Prof. James Van der Laan (Illinois State University): Reading the Midwest.
  • 16.06.2011: Prof. Christopher Breu & Prof. Elizabeth Hatmaker (Illinois State University): The Hard-Boiled Point of View.
  • 06./07.06.2011: Prof. Eric Sandeen (University of Wyoming): "Picturing  Children in  The Family of Man" und "Can't Forget the Motor City: The Other Midwest"
  • 16.05.2011: Prof. Dr. Gisela Hakansson (Universität Lund, Schweden): " Complexity and grammatical proficienency - comparing L 1 and L 2". 9.00 Uhr-11,00 Uhr, P 1.2.22.
  • 18.05.2011: Dr. Aleks Sierz (Rose Bruford College, London): " From Disney to Entron: British new writing for theatre in the 1990s and 2000s". 15.00 Uhr, Jenny-Aloni-Haus
  • 05.05.2011: Prof. Neil Sinyard (Hull University): " Adaptation and Screen Authorship: Some Reflections on Alfred Hitchcock's Film Versions of Rebecca and The Birds". 16.00-18.00 Uhr, H 6.238
  • 27.01.2011: Prof. Dr. Eija Ventola (Aalto University, Finnland): " Multisemiotic Research and Global Business Communiation". 11.00-13.00 Uhr, H2
  • 19.01.2011: Dr. Matthew Fitzpatrick (Flinders University, South Australia): " Legacies of Empire: The History Wars in Australia". 14.00-16.00 Uhr, Raum C 4.208
  • 19.01.2011: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Piske (Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd): " Immersion programs for young learners". 9.15-10.45 Uhr, Raum H 4.203
  • 13.01.2011: JProf. Dr. Simon Dickel (Ruhr Universität Bochum): " Looking for Langston: Black Gay History and the Harlem Renaissance". 16.00 Uhr s.t., Raum H 7.321
  • 11.01.2011: Prof. Dr. Gisela Håkansson (Universität Lund, Schweden): " Second and Foreign Language Acquisition: Similarities and Differences". 14.00-16.00 Uhr, Raum P1.2.22
  • 15.11.2010: Prof. Dr. Johann Geertsema (University of Singapore): " Reading Coetzee's Worldliness: Said, Defamiliarization and Disgrace". 15.00 Uhr, TP 21, Raum 8215
  • 10.11.2010: Prof. Dr. Melissa Johnson (Illinois State University / USA): " 'Schrankenlose Freiheit' in the Scrapbook of Hannah Höch". 9.15 Uhr, Raum H 7.321
  • 02.11.2010: Prof. Dr. Stefan Uhlig (King's College, Cambridge): "Romantic Anti-Criticism". 11.15-12.45, P1.418
  • 27.10.2010: Dr. Judita Giparaite (Pädagogishe Universität Vilnius , Litauen): "Small Clauses in English and Lithuanian". 11.15-12.45, P1.5.10
  • 29.04.2010: Prof. Dr. Susanne Carroll (University of Calgary): "The Autonomous Induction Theory 10 years later". 9.00-11.00, B1
  • 28.01.2010: Dr. Kathryn Allan (University College, London): "Snapshots of change: The history of English through word histories". 14.00-15.30, H2
  • 26.01.2010: Dr. Nuria Yáñez Bouza (Universität Manchester, GB): "Grammar Myths. Prescriptive Traditions in English". 16-18 Uhr, N5.21621.01.2010: Prof. Dr. Anette Pankratz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): "Every Day The Office". 14-16 Uhr, H4.329
  • 26.01.2010: Prof. Ralph Pordzik (Uni Würzburg): "Affective Performatives: Monty Python’s Comic Deconstruction of British Post-Imperial Nostalgia". 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM, H6
  • 25.01.2010: Dr. Anna Chr. M. Zaunbauer (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): "Mathematikleistung und Motivation immersiv unterrichteter Grundschulkinder". 18.00-19.30, C 3.212
  • 14.01.2010: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade (Universität Leiden, NL): "300 years of Robert Lowth: Late Modern English grammar and usage". 14.00-15.00 Uhr, H2
  • 15.12.2009: Prof. Dr. Ralf Schneider (Universität Bielefeld): "Consuming Culture: Victorian Advertising and the Discourses of 19th Century England"
  • 05.12.2009: Dr. Kate MacDonald (Universität Gent): "Female Middlebrow Writing: The Case of Una Silberrad"
  • 17.11.2009: Prof. Annick De Houwer (Universität Erfurt): "The role of input factors in children's bilingual development"
  • 16.07.2009: Prof. Joan Beal (Universität Sheffield): 'Shamed by our English? The 'New Prescriptivism' in the 21st Century'
  • 15.07.2009: Prof. Joan Beal (Universität Sheffield): "Can't see the wood for the trees?" Corpora and the study of Late Modern English'
  • 14.07.2009: Prof. J. K. (Jack) Chambers (University of Toronto) on „Multilingualism and Nationalism (with a Canadian Bias).“
  • 08.07.2009: Prof. John Payne (Co-author of The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language) on "The Oblique Genitive"
  • 17.06.2009: Prof. Roman Bezjak (Fotograf und Professor für Dokumentarfotografie, Fachhochschule Bielefeld) zum Thema „Archäologie einer Zeit – die sozialistische Moderne.“
  • 16.06.2009: Professor Harry Brod (University of Northern Iowa) on „The People of the Comic Book: It’s a Man! It’s a Jew! It’s Supermensch!“
  • 16.06.2009: Professor Karen Mitchell (University of Northern Iowa) on "Transformations of Hansel and Gretel"13.05.2009: Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiss (Universität Essex) on “The acquisition of wh-questions in Cypriot Greek“
  • 12.05.2009: Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiss (Universität Essex) on "The Acquisition of morphological paradigms"
  • 05.05.2009: Prof. Bruce Dorsey (Swarthmore College) on "Murder in a Mill Town: Interpretions of Sex, Gossip, Religion, and Insanity in the Early U.S. Republic"
  • 22.04.2009: John Banville (Romancier, Literaturkritiker & Booker-Preisträger) Lesung
  • 28.01.2009: Dr. Holly Banigan (University of Edinburgh) on Syntactic priming of English possessive constructions: Lexical and conceptual influences
  • 27.01.2009: Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiss (University of Essex) on Production methods in language acquisition research
  • 17.12.2008: Prof. Letizia Vezzosi (University of Perugia) on Celtic influence on English: the case of the reflexive marking
  • 16.12.2008: Prof. Letizia Vezzosi (University of Perugia) on Gender marking in English: an historical perspective
  • 16.12.2008: Prof. Letizia Vezzosi (University of Perugia) on A new reciprocal marker in Italian: a case study
  • 15.12.08: Dr. Astrid Böger (University of Nijmegen) on "Regarding Femmes, Ladies, and Housewives: Portraits of Women in Modernist Poetry"
  • 11.12.2008: Prof. John Storey (University of Sunderland) on The Counterculture: Dylan, Drugs, and America's War in Vietnam
  • 09.12.2009: Dr. Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (Universität Freiburg) on Varieties of English world-wide in a typological perspective
  • 02.12.08 Prof. Dr. Melinda Russell (Carleton College, Minnesota) on Reggae Abroad: From Third World Music to First World Use
  • 27. 11. 2008: Alana Sobelman (Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, Israel) on Fiddler on the Move. Developments in Klezmer Music
  • 18.11.2008: Mario Chandler (Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, USA) on Latinos in the > United States. A Literary and Historical Overview
  • 10.11.2008: Paul Spickard (University of California - Santa Barbara) on „The US after the Elections.“
  • 09.07.2008: Dr. Victorina Gonzalez-Diaz (University of Liverpool) on Grammaticalisation and subjectivisation: The case of little in the history of English
  • 03.07.2008: Elisabeth Schäfer-Wünsche (Universität Bonn) on „Reading American Autobiography”
  • 26.06.2008: Dr. Monika S. Schmid (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) on Problems and challenges for language attrition research
  • 25.06.2008: Prof. John Haiman (Macalester College) on Exaptation and the emergence of new words
  • 23.06.08: Dr. Georg Schiller (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) on "The American Renaissance: Reading The Scarlet Letter and the Message to Emerson"
  • 27.05.2008: Carlo Rotella (Boston College): „On Writing and Boxing“ (video lecture)
  • 27.05.2008: James van der Laan (Illinois State University): „On Plastic Words“
  • 29.04.2008: Rüdiger Heinze (Universität Freiburg)on „Reading Rocky“
  • 19.03.2008: Dr. Carolin Biewer (Universität Heidelberg) on South Pacific Englishes - Outer circle varieties of English in Fiji, Samoa and the Cook Islands
  • 07.01.2008: Prof. Doris Schönefeld (Universität Bochum) on Construction Grammar
  • 11.12.2007: Anne Schönharting (Fotoagentur Ostkreuz) on „Kinderarmut fotografieren”
  • 03.12.2007: Sabine Sielke (Universität Bonn) und Walter Grünzweig (Universität Dortmund) on „The Pleasures of Poetry: Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman”
  • 27.11.2007: Mareike Schomerus (London School of Economics): „The Story of Mende Nazer”Mareike Schomerus (London School of Economics): „The Story of Mende Nazer”
  • 26.08.2007: Prof. Ingo Plag (Universität Siegen) on The variability of compound stress in English: structural, semantic and analogical factors
  • 31.05.2007: Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (Universität Freiburg) on Persistance as an determinant in grammatical variation
  • 24.01.2007: Prof. Gerhard Jäger (Universität Bielefeld) on Language usage and functional grounding
  • 05.12.2006: Dr. Elena Seoane (Santiago de Compostela) on Investigating language change in scientific English