In­for­ma­ti­o­nen für Stu­die­ren­de

Dear students,

If you need to have a Schein signed but cannot make it to my office hours, you may put your Schein in my mailbox. BE SURE, however, that the information is all filled in and that your Schein bears your name. You may then pick up the signed Schein in Frau Benik´s office (J4.211) during her Scheinausgabe times (Mo. + Mi. 9:30  10:30 Uhr).

Here´s to a productive, successful and fun semester! See you around.


Office Hours during the semester:

Wednesday 11 - 12 and by appointment

Next office hour during the semester break:

Wednesday, 23rd of August: 10 - 12

More office hours during the semester break you can find next week