
Myths in Popular Literature and Film, Fin-de-Siècle Literature, Romantic Poetry, Gothic Fiction

In den fol­gen­den For­schungs­clus­tern bin ich ak­tiv:

Audio and Visual Studies

In the vibrant, ever-expanding field of visual culture and sound studies, our department focuses on four clearly defined areas. A research project funded by the BMBF and co-directed by Alexander Dunst, "Digital and Cognitive Approaches to Graphic Literature" explores graphic novels and comics from a Digital Humanities perspective. Jarmila Mildorf leads a project called "Audionarratology," investigating the interface of narrative and sound. Several projects located at the department investigate the history of photography, in its American context (Christoph Ribbat) and in the UK (Merle Tönnies). Finally, Hollywood cinema, transnational film, and visual culture constitute central research and teaching areas in the department (Alexander Dunst, Christina Flotmann, Alexandra Hartmann, Christoph Singer, Sara StraußMiriam Strube).

Gender Studies

Gender studies research positions itself in diverse fields. Department members pursue projects in popular culture and philosophy (Strube), 19th to 21st century novels and drama (Flotmann/Tönnies), Chicano/a literature and culture (Reiffenrath), photography and visual culture (Ribbat) as well as interrelations between gender and genre (Ehland/Tönnies). We are pleased to cooperate with the University of Paderborn's Center for Gender Studies. For future collaborative work and/or Ph.D. dissertations, we welcome gender-oriented research undertakings in literary and cultural studies, cultural history, masculinity studies, and queer theory.