Ireland, Europe and Brexit
Jean Monnet Module 2021-2024

Co-fun­ded by the European Uni­on

The pro­ject team Dr. Den­nis Hen­neböhl and Dr. Sara Strauß


Dr. Sara Strauß

Project Coordinator EU-IRL-CULT

Department of English and American Studies

Phone +49 5251 60-3908

email: sara.strauss(at)upb(dot)de

twitter: @eu_irl_cult

Pro­ject Co­ordin­at­or EU-IRL-CULT

business-card image

Dr. Sara Strauß

Anglistik: Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft - Bereich Prof. Tönnies

Student advisor English for primary education and special needs education

Write email +49 5251 60-3908