Suc­cess­ful in­ter­na­tion­al teach­ing col­lab­or­a­tion with the Uni­ver­sity of Al­berta, Canada

“A truly authentic experience working with someone from a different country. I have been telling everybody about this course.” Teaching language internationally was a success!

Last week, Dr. Katharina von Elbwart and Dagmar Keatinge finished teaching their first international class together with their colleague Dr. William Dunn from the University of Alberta (UofA) in Canada. During their collaborative project, students from both the English Department at UPB and the Secondary Education Department at UofA joined synchronous sessions via Zoom to discuss theoretical and applied perspectives on teaching a second/foreign language. During the 8-week course, student were immersed in an intercultural learning experience, came to know international perspectives on language education, and worked on their assignments in German-Canadian groups on- and offline. The results of this new teaching collaboration were presented in micro-teaching units on the last day of class. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and everyone hopes to continue this project in the near future.