KSU fac­ulty vis­it to Pader­born marks start of in­ter­na­tion­al col­lab­or­a­tion for UPB stu­dents, staff, and teach­ers

Last week, the English department welcomed colleagues from Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA at UPB. The visit marks the start of a fruitful collaboration between the Bagwell College of Education and the English language education department which is organized by Dr. Jeannette Böttcher and Dr. Katharina v. Elbwart. The project includes student and faculty exchanges as well as short research stays for advanced graduate students enrolled in a teaching program here at UPB. The first cohort of KSU students will join us in February 2025; the first outgoing UPB students will join KSU in November 2025. For more information about the project and/or application deadlines, please contact: katharina.elbwart@upb.de