CDE - Nar­rat­ive in Drama

Welcome to the website of the 2010 conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), which will address the forms and functions of narrative elements in English-language drama and theatre from the 1990s onwards. The topics of keynotes and papers will cover a range of dramatic forms, from documentary works to 'in-yer-face' plays, Black British drama and post-dramatic theatre. Two student performances and a piece of impro theatre will allow participants to keep the practical side of drama and theatre in view at the same time.

Welcome to Paderborn

This year’s CDE conference invites you to 1200-year-old Paderborn, offering a lot of history (visitors before you include Charlemagne), technology (pioneering computer scientist Heinz Nixdorf worked here) and nature (throughout the city you will find the springs of the river Pader – with its roughly four kilometres the shortest river in Germany).

If you want to find out more about Paderborn have a look at Paderborn’s online city portal. For everyone interested in computer technology Heinz-Nixdorf-Museumsforum is certainly worth a visit. You could also explore Paderborn’s history in one of its museums: Among others ‘Adam und Eva- Haus’ (Museum of City History), the Imperial Palace Museum or the Archiepiscopal Diocesan Museum.

Or you might just go for a walk in town and have a look at Paderborn Cathedral and the Pader springs, both situated in the city centre about five minutes’ walk from the conference venue.

This conference is funded by: