After having accepted an invitation by Prof. Hohwiller to Paderborn University, renowned British author Alison Moore spent two days at the English Department. The author of the Booker-shortlisted novel The Lighthouse (Cromer: Salt 2012) not only gave a reading on 24 October which was hosted by Prof. Tönnies and Prof. Ribbat, but also conducted a creative writing workshop in one of Prof. Hohwiller’s classes the following day. On both occasions…

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This semester, we want to meet outside for a small picnic: When: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 | 1-2 pm Where: Lawn across from building L Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies, Dr. Andrea Krause, and Prof. Dr. Christoph Ribbat will answer all your questions relating to one of the Master's programs: “English and American Literary and Cultural Studies” and “Englischsprachige Literatur und Kultur” Join us for this casual get-together if you're enrolled in one of…

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Forschung zu europäischer kultureller Identität als Jean Monnet Modul ausgezeichnet Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier.

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Mitarbeiterinnen der Universität Paderborn zu Gast an der Kristianstad University in Schweden Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier.

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Foto (Universität Paderborn, Davina Stiller): (v. l.) Prof. Dr. Martin Jens Persson, Prof. Dr. Hakan Pihl, Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier, PD Dr. Jarmila Mildorf und Marco Rustemeyer auf dem Campus der Universität Paderborn.

Am Dienstag, 12. Oktober, haben der Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Hakan Pihl und Prof. Dr. Martin Jens Persson von der schwedischen Kristianstad University die Universität Paderborn besucht. Die schwedische Universität ist Mitglied einer Hochschulallianz, die gemeinsam mit der Universität Paderborn und fünf weiteren europäischen Partnerhochschulen einen Antrag in der EU-Förderlinie „European Universities Initiative“ stellt. Koordiniert wird der…

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“A truly authentic experience working with someone from a different country. I have been telling everybody about this course.” Teaching language internationally was a success! Last week, Dr. Katharina von Elbwart and Dagmar Keatinge finished teaching their first international class together with their colleague Dr. William Dunn from the University of Alberta (UofA) in Canada. During their collaborative project, students from both the English…

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In summer term 2021, Dr. Katharina von Elbwart and Dagmar Keatinge will offer an international collaborative “Teaching Language” class as part of the TEFL requirements for the BEd degree. The class is co-taught by Dr. William Dunn from the Secondary Education Department at the University of Alberta and both BEd students from UPB and the UofA are able to sign up for this class. The online sessions are delivered synchronously over a period of 7…

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