Last week, the English department welcomed colleagues from Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA at UPB. The visit marks the start of a fruitful collaboration between the Bagwell College of Education and the English language education department which is organized by Dr. Jeannette Böttcher and Dr. Katharina v. Elbwart. The project includes student and faculty exchanges as well as short research stays for advanced graduate students enrolled in a…

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This is an event just for you! All students who plan to become teachers at vocational colleges (BA/MA) and study English are invited to join us for some cookies, coffee (tea) and some holly jolly christmas cheer! The event is free of charge and no registration is necessary.

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Interested in spending your Praxissemester in an English-speaking country? How about the US? And how about teaching students at a top college in Georgia? Starting in 2025, the Department of English and American Studies at Paderborn University and the Bagwell College of Education at Kennesaw State University, Georgia, US, will offer 6-week stays for graduate students (MA) studying English who wish to do parts of their Praxissemester…

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Am frühen Morgen nach der US-Präsidentschaftswahl trafen sich Studierende und Dozierende des Instituts für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, um die Wahlergebnisse zu verfolgen, zusammen zu frühstücken, und amerikanische Politik und Kultur zu diskutieren. Ebenfalls im Programm, um kurz nach sechs Uhr morgens: gemeinsames Singen amerikanischer Popsongs.

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Informationen zur Anmeldung zur Mastermodulabschlussprüfung finden Sie hier: Anmeldung zur mündlichen Prüfung im SoSe 2024 Handout zur mündlichen Prüfung/Master of Education/Vertiefung Englisch Herbst 2024 Handout zur mündlichen Prüfung/Master of Education GyGe/BK/Master-Modul Fachwissenschaft Herbst 2024 Handout zur mündlichen Prüfung/Master of Education HRSGe, G, Sonderpädagogische Förderung/Fachwissenschaft Herbst 2024

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