Tu­to­ri­al Mo­du­le | Tex­tro­gra­ph*in­nen Pro­gramm

In collaboration with Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben and the “Textograph*innen-Programm,” we now officially offer our M.A. English and American (Literary and Cultural) Studies and Englischsprachige Literatur und Kultur students to complete their tutorial module by successfully participating in the “Textograph*innen” programme offered at UPB. The programme focuses on text skills and peer-feedback and is a great opportunity for our students to practice their mentoring skills. You will go through a schooling period in which the mentioned skills are taught and discussed. Afterwards, you will team up with one of your language teachers at the English department or with another member of the department teaching a writing-focused seminar on the BA level and get the chance to further practice and demonstrate your skills in a classroom environment. The workshop is only available in German; however, the practical part and your report have to be in English.

Visit the Textograph*innen website for more detailed information on the programme.

For support, contact Dr. Andrea Karsten (Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben), Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies (English and American Studies), or Dr. Andrea Krause (practical language experience).


MA Eng­lish and Ame­ri­can (Li­tera­ry and Cul­tu­ral) Stu­dies

The Master of Arts English and American (Literary and Cultural) Studies explores the literature and cultures of English-speaking regions and is combined with language training and job-related education as well as mandatory practical experiences.

The literature seminars range from medieval times to contemporary English and American writing and cover various genres within fiction and non-fiction. In cultural studies, we offer visual arts classes which examine different media such as photography, art, film or music as well as case studies and broader overviews of more general cultural phenomena. The examples are always discussed within their historical, political, sociological, narratological and other relevant contexts in order to grasp and comprehend larger literary and cultural developments and impacts. Previous seminar topics include: American Philosophy, Modernist American Poetry, Old and Middle English Literature and Culture, Contemporary British Fiction and Postmodernism, Victorian Culture, American Sounds, Death Poetry, British Art, Basketball and American Culture, Shakespeare’s Stage, Urban Studies, Gender and Power in the American Theatre, Dementia, Postcoloniality, Trump’s America, Brexit and many more.

Our language courses (Oral Communication, Academic Writing, and Language Consolidation) provide advanced level English language practice. All our classes (including seminars) are strictly taught in English and aim to foster language skills at a professional level.

In addition to our academic and language education, the programme also features a “Studium Generale” module in which you can acquire additional knowledge by choosing classes from other departments at the Paderborn University.

In order to provide practical experience, our programme moreover consists of an internship module, a tutorial, and one study-abroad semester. In the internship module, you are expected to complete a six-week internship in an English-speaking country for a company or institution of your choice. We encourage you to choose an occupational field which will help prepare you for your future career. At the Paderborn University, the students are obliged to teach a BA level tutorial within English and American literature, culture or practical language training, which is meant to give an insight into teaching at university level and thus provide the first steps into a potential career in academia. The final section of our programme, before you complete your studies with a Master’s thesis, consists of studying in an English-speaking country for one semester. There are numerous exchange programmes and more informal contacts which can help you in finding a suitable institution for this semester.

Re­qui­re­ments and Pre­re­qui­si­tes

  • No German language knowledge is required for this programme (we recommend to beginners to attend German language courses as part of the “Studium Generale” module).
  • A Bachelor’s degree in English and American Studies (students who have completed their degree in related fields are also welcome to apply; depending on their background in English and American Studies they might have to complete additional courses before beginning the programme)
  • Minimum result 2.3 according to the German grading system (or equivalent)
  • Proof of advanced knowledge and use of the English language (TOEFL-Score of 250 points computer-based test/ Cambridge Advanced Certificate graded A and B or Cambridge Proficiency Certificate graded A, B or C as well as level C1 Certificate/ IELTS-Score 7.0 Academic Module)
  • Start date of studies: both winter and summer term (for application deadlines see How To Apply)

Eng­lish Trans­la­ti­on of the Ex­am Re­gu­la­ti­ons (Prü­fungs­ord­nung)


(This document and the information given here are not legally binding and only provide an English translation of the official Prüfungsordnung.) Download translated exam regulations

Exam regulations

Check­list MA Eng­lish and Ame­ri­can Li­tera­ry and Cul­tu­ral Stu­dies

This checklist is intended to give you an overview on all modules, courses and examinations you need to study and/or pass in the master’s program English and American Literary and Cultural Studies.


Mas­ter of Arts “Cul­ture and So­ci­e­ty” (Eng­lisch­spra­chi­ge Li­te­ra­tur und Kul­tur)

Similarly to the MA English and American Studies, the programme “Englischsprachige Literatur und Kultur” (Master of Arts “Culture and Society”) has a strong focus on literary and cultural aspects of English-speaking countries and communities around the world. However, "Englischsprachige Literatur und Kultur" is part of a dual-subject Master of Arts, which means that you will have to choose a second, equally weighed humanities subject at the University of Paderborn which you will study at the same time. For this second subject, you need to apply separately and contact the respective department for further information.

Because the other taught courses in the humanities department are mostly in German, one major prerequisite for this programme is proficiency in the German language to ensure that the second subject can be completed within the recommended 4 semesters.

The principal component of this programme is the study of literature and culture in the English-speaking context and it aims at nurturing analytical thinking and academic skills such as research and academic writing. We offer courses in various fields from medieval literature to popular American culture and teach classes on all kinds of media representations—whether in fiction, non-fiction, art, film, television or music.

The “Sprachpraxis” (Practical Language Experience) module consists of three courses: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, and Language Consolidation. The courses are taught to foster the advanced English language skills that are required at the master’s level.

In order to ensure hands-on experience, the programme features the module “Praxisorientierung” which consists of both a mandatory internship in an English-speaking country and a tutorial which our students are obliged to teach in relation to a BA level literature or cultural studies class or language course at our department. This way, our students can gain practical experience in an occupational field of their choice and acquire teaching skills at university level.

In case you decide for a combination of our programme and English linguistics, you will study the module “Vertiefungsbereich” (consolidation module) to avoid redoubling the “Sprachpraxis” (practical language experience) module. Module Vertiefungsbereich consists of two courses, one from each of your subjects.

The focus module (“Profilierungsmodul”) is studied in the subject in which you decide to write your Master’s thesis. In “Culture and Society”, this module gives you the chance to attend a colloquium which will allow you to present and discuss your work in progress for the Master's thesis.

For further information, please see the latest version of our German language study regulations.

  • German language proficiency
  • Bachelor degree with a major in English and American Literature and Culture
    (Students who have completed their degree in related fields are also welcome to apply; depending on their background in English and American Studies, they might have to complete additional courses before beginning the program.)
  • Proof of English language knowledge on an advanced level in writing and oral communication (TOEFL-Score of 250 points computer-based test or 100 points internet-based test/ Cambridge Advanced Certificate graded A and B or Cambridge Proficiency Certificate graded A, B or C as well as level C1 Certificate/ IELTS-Score 7.0 Academic Module)

Depending on previous studies and diplomas, proof of English language knowledge might not be required.


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Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies

Anglistik: Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft - Bereich Prof. Tönnies

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-2849