Gradu­ate Week 2024

This year's Graduate Week will take place from 21.05. to 23.05.2024 as a cooperation event of the Graduate Centre KW (GKW) and the Graduate Forum KW (GFKW) in a hybrid format. During this week, graduates (doctoral candidates and postdocs) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities will discuss the topic of Power and participation in social transformation processes lectures and in the context of the pitch format present their own projects. There will also be networking opportunities, two workshops and the market of opportunities will be offered. For the keynote lecture on 21 May on the topic of Micro-political (power) games in universities could Dr. Isabel Steinhardt could be won. We are looking forward to a week full of discussion and variety with you!


The aim of the graduate conference under the topicPower and Participation in Social Transformation Processesis to discuss which forms of power and participation can be observed along social transformations and how these are expressed, based on the current research projects presented by graduates from the various disciplines at KW. After all, social structures and the forms of coexistence they create are subject to constant change and the opportunities for participation are unevenly distributed in this process.


We have created a KOMO course to accompany the Graduate Week, which contains further information (overall programme etc.).Please contact us for enrolment.




The registration deadline for the Graduate Week is 17.05.2024.

Key­note lec­ture

The keynote lecture by Dr. Isabel Steinhardt on the topic Micropolitical (power) games at universities shows that universities not only function as places of knowledge, but also as arenas of complex social dynamics and power constellations. Through the use of micropolitics, it is possible to reconstruct games between actors in which various power resources are used to win the game. These resources include expert knowledge, relationships with the environment, the control of information and communication channels, the control of time and processes and the application of organisational rules.


The availability of these power resources depends on both the position effect and the disposition effect. The lecture will use concrete case studies to explain power games in the university arena, with a particular focus on the doctoral and post-doctoral phase.


Work­shops and mar­ket of op­por­tun­it­ies

The workshopFirst Generation Doctorate = First Generation Participation?by Dr. Verena Limper of the First Generation Doctorate will deal with the question of how students and doctoral candidates with a non-academic background access a university career. Both the personal and systemic conditions for participation in education and science are addressed. Finally, it also discusses what services are needed to realise the goal of educational equality in the long term.

The workshop on the topic of motivation and self-care in academic work ,organised by Dr. Katrin B. Klingsieck (ProLernen) focuses on the difficult and challenging moments and phases in the qualification process of doctoral candidates. In these phases, it is important to personally explore whether doctoral candidates should motivate themselves (and if so, how) or take care of themselves (and if so, how) and to be able to distinguish one from the other. Like all ProLernen offers, the strategies provided in this workshop are based on current findings from psychological procrastination research as well as tried and tested approaches from systemic and resource-oriented counselling and coaching practice.

As part of the Market of Opportunities, 15 players from the university-wide graduate support programme will present their specific services and invite interested parties to talk to them. In addition to the Competence Centre for Writing and the university's mentoring programmes, the Trade Union for Education and Science (GEW) and the Office for Educational Innovation and University Didactics will also be represented and will be happy to answer individual questions from all status groups of doctoral candidates, doctoral students and postdocs.

As in the last two years, lectures from this year's 16th Graduate Conference will be compiled and published in an anthology in the Interdisciplinary Studies series of the Paderborn Graduate Centre for Cultural Studies. In the Call for Papersyou can find further information on the anthology of the Graduate Conference, the thematic focus of the publication and possible participation in it.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the Graduate Week. We can expect many profitable insights into diverse transdisciplinary projects and a fruitful exchange between all participants.

If you have any ques­tions about the Gradu­ate Week 2024, please con­tact

business-card image Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913