Gradu­ate Con­fer­ence

The Graduate Conference of the GFKW offers graduate students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Paderborn University the opportunity to present their research projects in the light of a cross-disciplinary topic and to discuss them with an interested and sympathetic audience.

The aim of the Graduate Conference is, on the one hand, to obtain content-related suggestions for one's own research project from different specialist perspectives and to gain presentation experience. On the other hand, the event serves to build and expand one's own academic network.

The Graduate Conference takes place every year as part of the Graduate Week - a cooperation between the Graduate Centre KW and the Graduate Forum KW. The call for papers is usually announced around the turn of the year on the GFKW website and distributed via the usual internal university channels.

After the conference, you will have the opportunity to publish a paper in an anthology of the Herder series "Interdisziplinäre Studien des Paderborner Graduiertenzentrums für Kulturwissenschaften" (Interdisciplinary Studies of the Paderborn Graduate Centre for Cultural Studies) and thus gain experience in academic publishing.

17th Gradu­ate Con­fer­ence

The 17th Graduate Conference will take place from 10.06.-12.06.2025 as part of the Graduate Week and in cooperation with the Graduate Centre KW.

The theme of the Graduate Conference is "Democracy in Times of Social Change".

Following the Graduate Conference, the publication of an edited volume on the topic of "Democracy in Times of Social Change" is planned. Interested members of the faculty will have the opportunity to publish in this volume, ragardless of their conference participation. More information will follow.


Past gradu­ate con­fer­ences

The 16th Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with the motto "Power and Participation in Social Transformation Processes" took place again as part of the Graduate Week from 21.05.-23.05.2024 in cooperation with the Graduate Centre KW.

You can find a detailed report on the graduate conference here.

The 15th Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with the motto "Transdisciplinary Spaces in Cultural Studies" took place again as part of the Graduate Week from 30.05.-01.06.2023 in cooperation with the Graduate Centre KW.

You can find a detailed report on the graduate conference here.

The 14th Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with the motto "Knowledge transfer in cultural studies research" took place for the first time this year as part of the Week of Early Career Researchers from 07.06.-09.06.2022 in cooperation with the Graduate Centre KW.

You can find a detailed report on the graduate conference here.

The 13th Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with the motto "Knowledge transfer in cultural studies research" took place for the first time this year as part of the Week of Early Career Researchers from 25 to 28 May 2021 in cooperation with the Graduate Funding KW.

You can find a detailed report on the graduate conference here.

Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities 11-12 July 2019

The 12th Graduate Forum Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities took place this year for the first time under the motto "Relevance of Cultural Studies Research".

Many interesting presentations from the different institutes of the Faculty outlined the respective doctoral projects and embedded them in an interdisciplinary question of relevance of all cultural studies research. This year's lectures came from the fields of History, Education Studies, Music and Comparative Literature and invited lively discussions and interesting food for thought. In addition, Dr Eichhorn from German Studies presented the cross-university project #RelevanteLiteraturwissenschaft, Prof. Dr Klingsiek from Psychology offered her inspiring workshop against procrastination during the doctoral period and on Thursday evening there was an evening lecture by Prof. Dr Geierhos from the field of Digital Humanities. This supporting programme was supplemented by an information slot, which concluded the conference on Friday. During this, Juliane Wiese from the International Office provided information about opportunities abroad, Teresa Brandt presented the demands and commitment of the GEW, Julia Steinhausen, representing the Equal Opportunities Officer Ms Pilgrim, reported on equal opportunities and the mentoring programme, and Prof. Dr. Buhl and Ms Orlovic-Koru, Chair of the Doctoral Committee and Secretary of the Doctoral Committee, presented their areas of work and answered questions about doctoral studies.

During the breaks, there was always the opportunity for lively dialogue and networking, including over dinner together in the Kachelöfchen. We would like to thank everyone involved for their commitment and willingness to take part in the conference.

The previous Graduate Spokesperson Anda-Lisa Harmening and her deputy Teresa Brandt were unanimously re-elected. The Graduate Forum team is always happy to welcome new participants!

The conference programme can be downloaded here and the abstracts of the presentations can be found here (in alphabetical order).

Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities 12-13 July 2018

In July 2018, the Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities took place for the eleventh time in the Jenny Aloni House. Together with the Dean, Prof Dr Volker Peckhaus, the Graduate Forum team welcomed interested listeners to lectures from various subject areas as well as information and discussion rounds on all aspects of successful academic work.

The dissertation projects presented at the conference provided exciting insights into topics from the fields of movement sciences, philosophy, music, linguistics and literary studies as well as specialised didactics. In the discussions that followed, questions were asked, suggestions made and expertise exchanged. The doctoral candidates' presentations were complemented by a presentation of the habilitation projects of Dr Leonie Süwolto (Comparative Literature) and Dr Sandra Drumm (German as a Foreign Language and Literature), who also answered questions about the postdoc phase and "finding new topics". During the lunch and coffee breaks, as well as over dinner together, there was the opportunity for further dialogue and networking. The conference's supporting programme also attracted a great deal of interest: on Thursday, the Competence Centre for Writing, the Office of Educational Innovation & University Didactics and the University Library held a "Pecha Kucha" to provide information about various offers for doctoral candidates. In a follow-up to the first doctoral candidates' assembly, which took place for the first time in May this year, the participants were able to discuss good framework conditions for doctoral studies in cultural studies. The results of the discussion were then further analysed and deepened on Friday in a round of talks with various Paderborn University officials. In addition, Department 2 provided information on various forms of funding during the doctorate and on the possibility of shorter or longer research visits abroad.

Anda-Lisa Harmening was elected as the new graduate spokesperson. She replaces Nerea Vöing, who has held the position of spokesperson since 2017. Christine Adammek will continue to hold the position of deputy.


Further information: https: //

Contact: Graduate Forum KW(



Lisa-Marie Strehle

The Graduate Forum of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities celebrates its anniversary

Conference report by Christine Adammek

On 6 and 7 July 2017, the Graduate Forum of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities took place for the tenth (!) time in the Jenny Aloni House, where 16 early career researchers presented their research projects and exchanged ideas about them on an interdisciplinary basis.

After a welcome address by the Graduate Spokesperson, Dr. des. Nerea Vöing, Prof Dr Volker Peckhaus, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, who launched the forum in 2008 as a contact point and "mouthpiece" for doctoral candidates in cultural studies, gave a welcoming address. He proudly looked back on ten years of the Graduate Forum and spoke about the current opportunities and challenges facing today's early career researchers.

After the first exciting and wide-ranging presentations on the ideas of primary school children about interviewing contemporary witnesses, novels of the war grandchildren's generation, literary-aesthetic learning with simplified texts and global learning in Spanish lessons, representatives of the University Library and the Educational Innovations and University Didactics staff unit presented their programmes for doctoral candidates and teaching staff at Paderborn University.

This was followed by the annual report from Graduate Spokesperson Dr Nerea Vöing, who provided insights into the work of the Graduate Forum and reported on personnel and structural changes. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her willingness to 'stand in' as Graduate Spokesperson for Maxi Steinbrück, who has left Paderborn University.

This was followed by the election of the graduate spokesperson, moderated by the deputy graduate spokesperson Claudia Dobrinski. Dr. des. Nerea Vöing agreed to continue as Graduate Spokesperson for the time being; Christine Adammek replaces Claudia Dobrinski as Deputy Spokesperson. Those present were also cordially invited to join the organisation team, as Fabian Hoya, a long-standing team member, will be leaving the forum. We would like to take this opportunity to thank him warmly for his contribution and commitment.

The afternoon was filled with presentations on women and men in gender-atypical degree programmes, on conditional factors for the implementation of school media concepts as an instrument of school development and on a praxeological perspective on multi-professional cooperation in inclusive daycare facilities, before the Chair of the Doctoral Committee, Prof. Dr. Jörg Steigerwald, answered the participants' questions about the work of the Doctoral Committee in a section entitled "In demand", into which he had previously provided a pointed and insightful insight.

To mark the occasion, the organising team hosted a festive reception with a sumptuous buffet in the Jenny-Aloni Haus in the evening, which also served as a forum for exchange and was attended by many former members and lecturers. The photo wall with pictures from past conferences was examined and news was exchanged in a friendly atmosphere, rounding off an exciting day.

Friday morning started with three presentations from the field of school pedagogy on schools in the digital age, the interface between computational thinking and problem solving and a gender-specific study of behavioural process data in the testing of computer and information-related skills and was supplemented before the lunch break with a presentation from the field of comparative literature on eugenic subjects in contemporary literary examples.

It was particularly pleasing that Prof Dr Volker Peckhaus was presented with a jubilee volume in the early afternoon to mark the tenth anniversary, which was celebrated with a champagne toast. Dr. des. Nerea Vöing and Claudia Dobrinski have compiled abstracts, programmes, names of all speakers, photos and other materials from ten years of the Graduate Conference in a volume, one copy of which will be presented to each of the departments of Cultural Studies and to the University Library.

The afternoon was enriched by lectures from German and English literary studies on literary and filmic imaginations of the (anti)Arctic region, on identity and foreignness in English and German literature and on changing images of Africa.

Dr des Nerea Vöing then thanked all participants for a successful conference and concluded by saying that the forum will continue to be open to all doctoral candidates of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in the future.

The conference programme can be viewed here .

As in previous years, the Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities took place for the ninth time on 7 and 8 July at Paderborn University's Jenny Aloni House.

The conference was opened on Thursday morning by the current graduate speaker team, consisting of Fabian Hoya and Maxi Steinbrück (both doctoral students in Education Studies) and Prof Dr Volker Peckhaus, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, who welcomed the participants to the conference.

Once again this year, the conference was enriched by a large number of contributions from the individual fields of work of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, highlighting the multifaceted research of doctoral candidates in cultural studies. This offered the opportunity to discuss the presentations from different perspectives, but also revealed points of contact between the disciplines, so that common research questions of the individual doctoral candidates became clear. In addition to the aforementioned presentations, the conference was also characterised by a stimulating supporting programme. On Thursday morning, Iris Neiske presented offers from the Educational Innovations and University Didactics staff unit for teachers at Paderborn University. In the early afternoon, Gerd Richter and Claudia Kroner from Paderborn University Library exchanged views with the conference participants on existing services offered by the university library for doctoral candidates and corresponding current and future needs. The first day was concluded with a panel discussion on the topic of "Science as a dream job?". The conference organisers welcomed Prof. Dr Christine Freitag (Institute of Education Studies, Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities), Dr Andrea Graumann (Institute of German and Comparative Literature) and Dr Anke Backer (Head of Research, Third-Party Funding, Academic and International Affairs) as panellists. The day ended with a joint dinner for all participants at the 'Osteria' restaurant.

The Graduate Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities took place for the eighth time on 9 and 10 July 2015 at Paderborn University's Jenny Aloni House. Once again this year, the diversity of the academic research facets of doctoral candidates in cultural studies was demonstrated: 15 doctoral candidates from different disciplines used the conference to present their dissertation projects and discuss them with the conference participants.

The conference was opened on Thursday morning by the speaker team, which will remain in office until October 2015, consisting of Thomas Köster (doctoral candidate in History Didactics) and Fabian Hoya (doctoral candidate in Education Studies), who welcomed the conference participants. The team of speakers also provided information about the Graduate Forum's past activities and future plans. In particular, the Graduate Forum's public relations work in general and the Graduate Conference in particular should be emphasised. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that external doctoral candidates and scholarship holders are better informed about the work of the Graduate Forum in order to improve the integration of the aforementioned groups into the university context.

Con­tact us

If you have any questions, concerns or interest, please contact us by email:

We look forward to talking to all graduates of our faculty!