Our university uses the ECTS credit system. One credit is equivalent to a workload of approximately 30 hours. For our faculty’s courses you can only obtain 3 or 6 credit points (ECTS) as an incoming student. Whether you can achieve 3 or 6 ECTS points depends on the class you register for and the assignment you choose to complete. An assignment with 3 ECTS points, for instance, could be a presentation, an essay, writing a short paper etc. An assignment with 6 ECTS points could be a combination of different assignments or a term paper with a length of 15 to 25 pages. 

You must speak to your respective lecturers during the first week of classes to see whether or not you can get 3 or 6 ECTS and to inform yourself about the assignment(s) you have to pass for the amount of credit points.

Do not get confused by "modules"! You only register for classes and not modules! Only our degree students study using the "module-structure", meaning that they acquire their ECTS points by completing “modules”, which contain two or three courses. For you, “modules” are irrelevant in Arts and Humanities (please note however that they are important if you study in other faculties apart from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities). You get your ECTS points and grades for every course you pass. That also means that you are free to choose courses regardless of the modules you see in our online registration system (PAUL).

If you also take German language courses (crash course or semester course), please make sure you take this into consideration when choosing other courses as well, because the German language courses do require a considerable workload in order to be completed successfully.

Make sure that you are informed about whether your home university accepts the German language courses as a part of your curriculum. If so, the ECTS you receive when passing the course(s) are credited to the 30 ECTS that most exchange students have to acquire during their time abroad.

ECTS for regular classes within our faculty:
3 or 6 ECTS only (depends on class elected)

ECTS for the German language courses:
Crash course = 5 ECTS
Semester course = 8 ECTS

Fac­ulty Co­ordin­at­or In­com­ings

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Anke Riebau

Dekanatsmitarbeiter/in Kulturwissenschaften

International Relations Manager / Faculty Coordinator Incoming & Outgoing Students

Write email +49 5251 60-4013