
Com­par­at­ive teach­ing ap­proaches to oth­er re­li­gions - work­shops with Dr Monika Tautz

On Monday, 28 October, the focus will be on ‘Working with the religion case - didactic and methodological ideas for designing and using it in religious education lessons’

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"Ger­man lit­er­at­ure of the present"

On 28 October, Lea Singer will read from her new novel ‘Die Heilige des Trinkers’

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Between con­tempt and mind­ful­ness: round table event on the eth­ics of pop cul­ture by the "C:POP" re­search centre

What do pop cultures have to do with the US election, democracies and the climate crisis? What do we learn about pop and media cultures by engaging with fakes, click populism or AI? How should popular cultures be categorised if they are particularly considerate and mindful or if they are hurtful in doses - is there a moral or ethic of pop?

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Lec­ture series "Brave new world? Ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence between cli­mate, war, loss of con­trol"

Lecture by Prof. Dr Bianca Prietl from the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Basel

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Lec­ture Series "Can­on and Cul­ture: Ob­jects of Lit­er­ary Stud­ies"

Hartmut Bleumer (German Studies, Georg August University Göttingen): ‘Canon and creativity. On the aestheticisation of pre-modern literature’

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Guest lec­ture "Ped­ago­gic­al qual­ity of ex­ten­ded edu­ca­tion­al pro­grammes from an in­ter­na­tion­al per­spect­ive"

‘Pedagogical quality of extended educational programmes from an international perspective - How can socially educationally disadvantaged pupils with a migration background be supported in all-day schools?’

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"UPB for Fu­ture" – the Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Lec­ture Series

Sustainability as a corporate philosophy using the example of VAUDE

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Lec­ture series "Con­cepts of Europe from an in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary per­spect­ive"

Lecture by Prof. Dr Sebastian Luft from the Institute of Human Sciences at Paderborn University

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Between con­tempt and mind­ful­ness: round table event on the eth­ics of pop cul­ture by the "C:POP" re­search centre

What do pop cultures have to do with the US election, democracies and the climate crisis? What do we learn about pop and media cultures by engaging with fakes, click populism or AI? How should popular cultures be categorised if they are particularly considerate and mindful or if they are hurtful in doses - is there a moral or ethic of pop?

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Lec­ture Series "Can­on and Cul­ture: Ob­jects of Lit­er­ary Stud­ies"

Hendrik Schlieper (Comparative Literature, Paderborn University): ‘Canon and Cultural History. On the paradigmatics of canonical texts using the example of Tirso de Molina's El Burlador de Sevilla’

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In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary lec­ture series "Cul­tur­al Per­spect­ives on Demo­cracy“

On Wednesday, 6 November, Prof. Elisabeth Lamothe from Le Mans University will speak on the topic ‘Perspectives on Europe in American Lterature’

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Lec­ture series "Con­cepts of Europe from an in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary per­spect­ive"

Lecture by Elisabeth Lamothe from Le Mans Université

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"UPB for Fu­ture" – the Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Lec­ture Series

Sustainable product development: recyclable products as the key to a sustainable future

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"ZeKK live" - 45 minutes with Prof. Dr Klaus von Stosch

In the "ZeKK live" event format organised by the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University, professorial ZeKK members interview guests from public life on issues relating to religion and society.

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Di­dactics con­fer­ence "Against anti-demo­crat­ic pop­u­lism"

On Saturday, 9 November, the "Didactics of Philosophy" working group at Paderborn University, together with the Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie (AIPPh) and the Philosophisch-Politische Akademie e. V., is organising a hybrid conference on the topic of "Against anti-democratic populism".

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