Welcome to the website of the Graduate Forum!

The Graduate Forum of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (GFKW) sees itself as a democratic representation of the interests and needs of doctoral candidates and postdocs in our faculty and was founded in 2008.
The main concerns of the GFKW are networking and exchange among graduates as well as the dissemination of relevant information to all relevant status groups. For this reason, we regularly organise various event formats. The objectives and tasks of the GFKW are also set out in the rules of procedure.
The GFKW is made up of a team doctoral students and postdocs from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and is represented by the graduate spokespersons.
The current flyer of the Graduate Forum, which also invites you to participate, can be downloaded here.
Team of the GFKW

We are a diverse and interdisciplinary team from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities that is committed to representing the needs of all graduate students and is led by a graduate spokesperson and her*his deputy. They are also responsible for communication within the Faculty and are elected in the Graduate Assembly in the summer semester for one year.
The GFKW works closely with the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (GKW) and sends two elected representatives to its board. They act as a link between the GFKW and the GKW to ensure productive cooperation. They are elected for one year usually in the Graduate Assembly in the summer semester.
Are you interested in becoming an active member of our team? Then you can contact us directly.
Information about the promotion

Are you interested in doing a doctorate in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at UPB? Or are you a doctoral candidate with fundamental questions about the doctoral process or how to organise your academic career?
On the website of the Graduate Centre KW you will find a wealth of information and contacts.

Contact the Graduate Forum
If you have any concerns, please contact the Graduate Forum via email: gfkw@mail.uni-paderborn.de.
The contact details of individual people associated with the Graduate Forum can be found on our team page.
We look forward to talking to you!