How Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are Transforming Healthcare
Whether it is assistive systems for nursing care, doctors using artificial intelligence (AI) to help make diagnoses, or diagnostic healthcare apps for use at home, the potential for robots and AI in healthcare is tremendous. Just what is behind these systems – how they are used and what users think about them – will be presented by three project heads from the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre ‘Constructing Explainability’ (TRR 318) in online talks. All interested persons are invited . The lectures will be held in German and take place online via Zoom from 5 to 6 pm.
Talk on Wednesday, April 26: Can AI Explanations Help Make Diagnoses?
Artificial intelligence can help support doctors in their work, for instance by recognizing pathology on X-ray images or helping make treatment decisions. Professor Dr. Philipp Cimiano, Deputy Spokesperson of TRR 318, will give a talk on the role explanations play in this. AI developed for such applications should not only deliver predictions and decisions, but also be able to justify these – all while interacting with doctors and patients. Cimiano heads the “Sematic Computing” work group at Bielefeld University and is supervising two subprojects at TRR 318 on the use of explainable artificial intelligence in medicine.
About the online talk series "How Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are Transforming Healthcare"
Those interested can attend the online talks given by three TRR 318 researchers. On February 23, 2023, Professor Dr. Kirsten Thommes will present findings from research projects on assistive systems in nursing care and discuss how these could be systematically rolled out at scale. On April 26, 2023, Professor Dr. Philipp Cimiano will share with his audience how predictions and explanations from an intelligent system can help doctors in making their diagnoses. The lecture series will conclude with a talk from Professor Dr.-Ing. Britta Wrede on June 14, 2023, during which Wrede will introduce the cell phone app ‘Ada’ and pose the question of whether self-diagnoses informed by artificial intelligence might be possible. Those interested in attending can log on to Zoom at 5pm for these one-hour talks.
Transregio 318
In the TRR 318 from Bielefeld University and Paderborn University, an interdisciplinary team is working on the principles, mechanisms, and social practices of explanation. Their findings are meant to be incorporated into the design of artificial intelligence systems and help make AI more accessible. The interdisciplinary research program “Constructing Explainability” goes beyond the question of explainability in AI as the basis of algorithmic decision-making with an integrative approach that promotes the active interaction of humans with social-technical systems. The goal is to improve human-machine interaction by focusing on better understanding algorithms and investigating this as a product of a multimodal explanatory process. The German Research Foundation (DFG) will be providing approximately 14 million Euro in funding for this collaborative research initiative through July 2025.