PhD board (Pro­mo­tion­sausschuss)

*This information is not legally binding but only provides an English translation of the German PhD board website. For further information please refer to the Promotionsordnung.* 


  • Following a proposal by the respective supervisor, the PhD board decides on the admission to the doctoral program and, if necessary or in doubt, the board also decides upon the specific Promotionsfach (PhD subject/academic field) to be approved.
  • The board determines the scope and content of necessary Promotionsvorbereitende Studien (preparatory studies). These are especially necessary if the PhD subject differs from the subject of the university degree. The PhD board certifies the successful completion of these studies.
  • It accepts applications for the initiation of the Promotionsverfahren (final phase of the PhD process).
  • It approves the admission of a dissertation/PhD thesis in a language other than German, English, French or Spanish.
  • Following the proposal by the respective supervisor, the board determines whether admission requirements have been met, particularly the equivalence of university degrees.
  • The board formally initiates the Promotionsverfahren (final phase of the PhD process) and publicly announces the initiation to the university public.
  • It determines the reviewers and other members of the Promotionskommission (PhD committee) for each Promotionsverfahren. Proposals about the personnel of the Promotionskommission handed in by the applicant are being considered, but there is no legal claim.
  • The board appoints the chairperson of the Promotionskommission; this person cannot be one of the appointed reviewers. All persons must be a member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
  • The board supervises the course of the Promotionsverfahren and decides on respective individual deadlines.
  • The decision on a possible discontinuation or invalidity of the Promotionsverfahren are made by the board as well.
  • If necessary, the board appoints further or additional reviewers.
  • The board also handles and decides on appeals.
  • The PhD board can propose changes to the Promotionsordnung (PhD regulations) to the Fakultätsrat (Faculty Council).

All documents necessary for the Promotionsverfahren must be handed in to Stefanie Koru (PhD Secretariat). This will ensure timely revision and no delays in your procedure.



Group of university professors (term of office 3 years; October 2021 - September 2024)

  • Prof. Dr. Heike M. Buhl (Chairwoman of the PhD Board)
  • Prof. Dr. Ilka Mindt
  • Prof. Dr. Harald Schroeter-Wittke

Representative of the non-professorial teaching staff (Mittelbauvertretung) (term of office 3 years; October 2021 - September 2024)

  • Dr. Stefan Elit

Student representative (term of office 1 year; October 2021 - September 2022)

  • Alicia Mielke