The gradu­ate spokes­per­sons

The graduate spokespersons organise the work processes within the team, represent the GFKW externally in consultation with the team and are responsible for the flow of information and mail traffic. Both spokespersons are elected for one year at the Graduate Assembly in the summer semester.

Gradu­ate spokes­wo­man

business-card image

Carolin Schreckenberg

Graduiertenforum der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften

Write email

Deputy Gradu­ate Spokes­per­son

business-card image

Stefanie Leinfellner

Graduiertenforum der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften

Write email +49 5251 60-2898

His­tory - Gradu­ate spokes­per­sons

Julia Diederich and Stefanie Leinfellner

Julia Diederich and Lisa Scheiwe (deputy since Dec 2022)

Rebecca Meier and Jessica Fischer (Deputy)

Rebecca Meier and Christopher Zysik (Deputy)

Anda-Lisa Harmening and Christopher Zysik (Deputy)

Anda-Lisa Harmening and Teresa Brandt (Deputy)

Nerea Vöing and Christine Adammek (Deputy)

Maxi Steinbrück/Nerea Vöing and Claudia Dobrinski (Deputy)

Fabian Hoya and Maxi Steinbrück (Deputy)

Thomas Köster and Fabian Hoya (Deputy)

Kevin Dear and Julia Kröger

Katharina Gefele and Julia Steinhausen

Katharina Gefele and Denise Groth (Deputy)

Con­tact us

If you have any questions, concerns or interest, please contact us by email:

We look forward to talking to all graduates of our faculty!