Guest lec­ture "Ped­ago­gic­al qual­ity of ex­ten­ded edu­ca­tion­al pro­grammes from an in­ter­na­tion­al per­spect­ive"

The Primary School Pedagogy working group invites all interested parties to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr Marianne Schüpbach (Freie Universität Berlin) in the ‘Salon Grundschulpädagogik’ (H6.222) on 31 October from 4 to 6 pm as part of its colloquium series. Schüpbach will speak on the following topic: ‘Pedagogical quality of extended educational programmes from an international perspective - How can socially educationally disadvantaged pupils with a migration background be supported in all-day schools?’ Registration is not necessary.

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