Gen­er­al Meet­ing of the Gradu­ate Centre of the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies (GKW)

Ort: digital

The Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (GKW) invites you to the digital general meeting on 8 July from 1 pm to 2 pm. According to the statutes of the GKW (§ 3), all doctoral students, all academic staff (doctoral and postdoctoral phase) and all professors of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are members of the GKW. The general meetings serve to provide the GKW Board with impulses for the further content-related work of the GKW and, if necessary, to obtain resolutions. Registrations and enquiries can be sent to the following email address by 7 July: Participants will receive the Zoom link upon registration.

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