
Prof Dr Eva-Maria Seng ap­poin­ted mem­ber of the Board of Trust­ees of the Kul­turstif­tung der Länder

Chair at Paderborn University advises on the promotion and preservation of art and culture of national importance

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Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in the cul­tur­al event in­dustry

Paderborn University and leading cultural/event partners from East Westphalia-Lippe launch pioneering research project

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Mar­ine bio­lo­gist launches sus­tain­ab­il­ity lec­ture in front of 800 listen­ers

Robert Marc Lehmann talks about environmental protection and his educational work as part of the lecture series "UPB for Future".

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Green Art – Sus­tain­able tex­tile art from Pader­born at "cre­ativa" in Dortmund

Once again this year, the Department of Textiles at Paderborn University will be represented at Europe's largest trade fair for creative design.

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43rd Pader­born Guest Lec­ture­ship for Writers: Nora Bos­song comes to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In various genres such as the essay, the poem or the novel, the award-winning author takes a look at political events and social developments in a diverse and, in the truest sense of the word, excellent way.

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Hon­our­able Com­mit­ment: Pader­born Pro­fess­or Re­ceives Wo­men's Prize

Prof. Dr. Elisa Klapheck, Professor of Jewish Studies at Paderborn University, has been awarded the Marie Juchacz Women's Prize 2024 by the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The award honors her commitment to women's rights and equality between men and women.

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"Teach­ing about the oth­ers in Chris­tian­ity and Is­lam"

German Research Foundation funds interreligious research network at Paderborn University

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22 lan­guages un­der one roof - Pader­born Uni­ver­sity's Centre for Lan­guage Stud­ies and the field of Ger­man courses merge

Areas for the targeted development of language skills and the acquisition of cultural competences are merged

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Di­git­al train­ing: "School - Gender - Simply Di­git­al"

In four interactive modules, participants can take an in-depth look at gender-reflective pedagogy, reflect on their basic pedagogical attitude and develop practical examples for everyday working life

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Min­istry of Cul­ture spon­sors re­search pro­ject "L:IKE - In­tan­gible Cul­tur­al Her­it­age Learn­ing Work­shop" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW NRW), researchers at Paderborn University are investigating how intangible cultural heritage can be specifically taught in schools.

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Hum­boldt Fel­low from Ethiopia con­ducts re­search in Pader­born

Dr Hagos Nigussie Kahssay from Mekelle University in Ethiopia has been awarded a Georg Forster Research Fellowship for experienced researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and will now be conducting research at Paderborn University for two and a half years.

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When the bus be­comes a stage

Zwischenmiete sets the mood with "Pop am Ring" on three evenings in Paderborn city centre

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"Pader­born Post­co­lo­ni­al" - Pader­born Uni­ver­sity his­tor­i­ans re­search the re­gion's co­lo­ni­al past

Researchers at Paderborn University are investigating the connections between the cathedral city and the German colonies in Africa and the Far East from around 1870 to the Second World War.

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Pader­born re­search­er in­vest­ig­ates chil­dren's and young people's draw­ings by the Broth­ers Grimm

Drawing evidence allows conclusions to be drawn about the early work of the two and the history of education in the 19th century

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Freely ac­cess­ible edu­ca­tion­al re­sources open up new per­spect­ives in teach­er train­ing

A common "culture of sharing" with OER materials

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