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"Fremd(e) - Fasz­in­a­tion, Ablehnung, An­ver­wand­lung": An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the In­sti­tute of His­tory at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

On Saturday, 4 November, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the 30th annual conference of the Institute of History at Paderborn University will be held on the topic of "Fremd(e) - Faszination, Ablehnung, Anverwandlung".

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The numerous contributions in the volume examine the relations of knowledge production from theoretical, historical, political and empirical perspectives.

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Artist­ic sem­in­ar "Urb­an Cir­cus: The second chance of even­ing dress" presents fash­ion video at Pol­lux

On 18 October at 8 pm, a video will be presented at the Pollux cinema in Paderborn that was created as part of an artistic seminar for fashion textile design students at Paderborn university.

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Pader­born fe­male sci­ent­ists awar­ded for doc­tor­al pro­jects

Paderborn University regularly recognises the top research of its academics. The Presidential Board has now awarded two young researchers a scholarship for their outstanding doctoral projects.

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"Ger­man Lit­er­at­ure of the Present": Well-known au­thors as guests at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In the winter semester of 2023/24, the Institute of German and Comparative Literature and the Centre for Contemporary German Literature at Paderborn University invite all interested parties to a series of literary readings with discussions.

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Students sitting in the lecture hall.

Wel­come to cam­pus: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity wel­comes more than 2,600 new stu­dents

New faces at Paderborn University: the 2023/24 winter semester has begun, and with it various people are starting their first semester of study.

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In­ter­na­tion­al Sum­mer School "Ho­Bid" on High­er Edu­ca­tion Re­search united Early Ca­reer Re­search­ers from all over the world at Pader­born…

For the third and last time, the international Summer School "Higher Education Research/Approaches to Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (HoBid)" took place in Paderborn.

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Award from the Ro­mance Stud­ies As­so­ci­ation

Dr. Lina Wilhelms was awarded the Elise Richter Prize by the German Romance Studies Association for her doctorate at the Paderborn University on Sunday, 24 September.

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Event banner of the "Vision Slam".

"Vis­ion Slam" – Look­ing for the best idea of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity!

Garage33 organises idea battle of the faculties

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Profile of the Paderborn scientist Jutta Weber

Ruhrtri­en­nale: Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber speaks about nature and tech­no­logy

On Sunday, 3 September, Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber from the Institute for Media Studies at Paderborn University will be talking with the writer and Büchner Prize winner Lukas Bärfuss at the Ruhrtriennale about "Nature and Technology".

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The multimedia installation "Life at the Springs" in the Paderborn City Museum.

"Life at the Springs": Stu­dents of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity present film in­stall­a­tion in the City Mu­seum

Participation in the water exhibitions of the five municipal museums

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A smartphone recording a teaching situation.

Ad­van­cing di­git­al school de­vel­op­ment: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity in­volved in na­tion­wide joint pro­ject

The digital transformation is increasingly changing communication and cooperation in schools. It is therefore becoming more and more important for school administrators and teachers to develop the corresponding competences in order to use the possibilities innovatively, but also to identify problems.

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The organisers and sponsors of the "Strengthen Diversity" summer camp.

With know­ledge, cul­ture and sport: sum­mer camp of the "Strength­en­ing Di­versity" pro­ject in­spires chil­dren at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Under the motto "PaderPower: Our superpower - together we are strong", the children from grades three to seven spent a varied week on the university campus at the end of the summer holidays.

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n the middle, Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko, on the right, University President Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf and on the left Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber, Director of the "Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists" at the Paderborn University.

EU fund­ing for Ukrain­i­an philo­soph­er at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

As part of a new research project, Ukrainian philosopher Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko is researching the environmental impact of the war in Ukraine

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Um-Frem­dung: New ex­hib­i­tion at the Klep­pArt

The exhibition shows works by the artist Christian Nachtigäller, who assigns new functions and contexts to everyday objects, giving them new dimensions with a high recognition value.

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