Förderung der Forschungsvielfalt durch zentrale Initiativen und starke Unterstützung

Unsere Fakultät trägt maßgeblich den SFB/Transregio "Constructing Explainability". Zudem decken wir eine breite Palette von Forschungsthemen ab, die Unterstützung von verschiedenen Drittmittelgebern erhalten. Besonders unsere Zentren bündeln die Forschungsaktivitäten.

Pro­jekte der Kul­tur­wis­senschaften

266 projects were found
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studiolo communis: a co-active working environment for an extended research discourse in the history of art and architecture

In the interdisciplinary research project "studiolo communis", a working environment was developed based on the studiolo of the Renaissance - a room for study and contemplation equipped with works of art, study objects and books - which supports the examination, comparison, evaluation, linking and commenting of media objects and research ...

Duration: 06/2010 - 09/2013

Funded by: DFG

Alignment verstehen: Untersuchungen zum Misalignment (B06)

Projekt B6 untersucht kognitive Komponenten und Prozesse, die Alignment im sequentiellen verbalen Verhalten zugrunde liegen. Methodologische Herausforderungen bisheriger Studien sollen überwunden werden durch den Fokus auf Misalignment, insbesondere auf Zusammenbrüche von Alignment aufgrund beeinträchtigter kognitiver Funktionen. Methodische ...

Duration: 01/2010 - 12/2015

Funded by: DFG

Coaching at School

Student teachers in educational science are trained in the basics of communication and counseling and regularly hold coaching sessions with pupils from various partner schools. In these discussions, the focus is on providing individual advice to pupils on school challenges (e.g. career guidance or the development of personal learning strategies). ...

Duration: 10/2009 - 09/2022

RobotDoC: Robotics for Development of Cognition

Duration: 09/2009 - 09/2014

Funded by: EU

GRK 1479: Automatisms - Cultural Techniques of Complexity Reduction

Automatisms are defined as processes that largely elude conscious control. They exist on the level of individual and collective action as well as in interactions with technology. Since they are rooted in repetition ‒ rather than in creativity, planning, or design ‒ automatisms are close to the mechanical.At the same time, these processes do not ...

Duration: 03/2008 - 04/2017

Funded by: DFG

Contact: Prof. Dr. Norbert Eke


Eine Frau kommuniziert mit den Händen mit einem kleinen Roboter

TRR 318 Con­­­struc­t­ing Ex­­­plain­a­bi­li­ty

Im Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio Constructing Explainability (Erklärbarkeit konstruieren) forschen Kulturwissenschaftler*innen mit Informatiker*innen und Ingenieur*innen interdisziplinär zu Fragen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion.

Zum Projekt

Ak­tuelle DFG-ge­förderte Pro­jekte der Kul­tur­wis­senschaften

24 projects were found

British Forces in Germany. The occupation and the stationing of troops in a transnational perspective

The research project examines the social and cultural impact of the stationing of British troops in north-western Germany over the period of three generations on both the approximately two million members of the Armed Forces and the local population. Whereas historical research has mostly concentrated on American impacts on social and cultural ...

Duration: 03/2020 - 01/2025

Funded by: DFG

The right to conquer - Legitimising Conquests in the early and high Middle Ages

Conquests required legitimation. This project aims to show that this is also true for the earlier Middle Ages (c. 500 - c. 1150), thus refuting the prevailing scholarly views on this issue. By demonstrating that the military expansion of rule required justification this work is poised to make significant contributions to the study of the concept of ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2025

Funded by: DFG

International Cultural History of Tax Morale

The project investigates discourses about (honest) tax payment behaviour in different societies (West Germany, Spain, and the USA) between the 1940s and the 1980s. The aim is to analyse the change of norms of tax payment behaviour.

Duration: 03/2018 - 12/2025

Funded by: DFG

Contact: Annette Zaloudek, Prof. Dr. Korinna Schönhärl

Resistance against foreign rulers in the high and late Middle Ages. On ethnic and nationall identity formation in medieval conflicts

The primary aim of the project is to systematically analyse resistance to foreign rulers and thus the effects of foreign rule in the high and late Middle Ages by means of a comprehensive comparison of individual conflicts and to identify the conditions under which foreign rule productively promoted the formation of new identities. On this basis, it ...

Duration: 08/2011 - 12/2026

Funded by: DFG

Ak­tuelle BMBF-ge­förderte Pro­jekte der Kul­tur­wis­senschaften

17 projects were found

Papstherrschaft im Raumentwurf: Die Architekturbücher Domenico Fontanas (1543–1607) und das Rom Sixtus’ V.

Wer zur allgemeinen Geschichte des europäischen Städtebaus bzw. zur römischen Stadtgeschichte am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts im Speziellen forscht, kommt sowohl an Domenico Fontana (1543–1607) als auch an dessen Architekturbüchern (1590, 1604) nicht vorbei.Bereits in ihrer Konzeption und Ausführung stellen die zwei Bände der Trasportatione ...

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2025

Funded by: BMBF

Musical Communities in the (Post-)Digital Age - Teilprojekt Paderborn (MusCoDA-TPP)

MusCoDA untersucht Songwriting-Prozesse als Beispiel kollektiver Kreativität in (post-)digitalen Gemeinschaften. Im Fokus des Teilprojekts an der Universität Paderborn stehen informelle Bands und Solomusiker:innen, während das Erfurter Teilprojekt Songwriting an Schulen in den Blick nimmt. Dabei werden kollaboratives und kooperatives Lernen in ...

Duration: 12/2020 - 11/2024

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: Timo Neuhausen, M.Ed.

Ak­tuelle DAAD-ge­förderte Pro­jekte der Kul­tur­wis­senschaften

4 projects were found

SANDD Sub-Saharan Africa DaF digital network

With partners in Augsburg, Kara, Windhoek and Namibia, the project team in the field of German as a Second and Foreign Language at Paderborn University tackles various topics in research and teacher education relating to German as a Foreign Language and the professionalization of German teachers in sub-Saharan Africa.

Duration: 05/2024 - 12/2026

Funded by: DAAD

German Studies Partnership Pader-Akdeniz-Marmara

The partnership between Paderborn University, Akdeniz University Antalya and Marmara University Istanbul in the field of German studies focuses on joint research in the areas of education for sustainable development, global citizen education and tourism from the perspectives of literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies and didactics, with ...

Duration: 01/2024 - 12/2026

Funded by: DAAD

Vielfalt und kulturelles Erbe der Peripherie: Regionale u. orale Kulturen Tunesiens, Marokkos u. Deutschlands – Aufbau eines Netzwerks zwischen universitären u. zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren der betreffenden Regionen zur Etablierung eines Forschungsprojekts

Vielfalt und kulturelles Erbe der Peripherie: Regionale und orale Kulturen Tunesiens, Marokkos und Deutschlands – Aufbau eines Netzwerks zwischen universitären und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren der betreffenden Regionen zur Etablierung eines gemeinsamen ForschungsprojektsDas Projekt Vielfalt und kulturelles Erbe der Peripherie: Regionale und ...

Duration: 04/2023 - 12/2025

Funded by: DAAD

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The project “ Indigo – interkulturelle digitale Germanistik ohne Grenzen ” was initiated with a focus on research-based learning and the promotion of young talent at the interface between graduation and doctorate in 2021. An essential part of the project is the Indigo homepage. A platform is being created here that links all projects in ...

Duration: 09/2020 - 12/2024

Funded by: DAAD

Trans­fer­pro­jekte der Kul­tur­wis­senschaften

26 projects were found

NRW Research College Work 4.0: Design of flexible working environments - People-centered use of cyber-physical systems in Industry 4.0

For production companies, the transition to Industry 4.0 opens up great opportunities for modernization and the associated increase in the efficiency of production processes. In addition to the still largely existing technical challenges involved in developing such systems, the role of employees throughout the entire value chain is undergoing ...

Duration: 08/2014 - 12/2022

Funded by: MKW NRW

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels, Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Steffen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu, Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis, Prof. Dr. Iris Gräßler, Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden, Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Martin Diewald, Stefan Kopp, Günter W. Maier, Frank Ulrich Rückert, Britta Wrede

Projekte an der Universität Paderborn

Der fakultätsübergreifende Diskurs, der im Zentrum der Forschung an unserer Universität steht, fördert zahlreiche zukunftsorientierte Projekte, die sich mit drängenden gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen befassen. Dabei setzen wir auf fachliche Exzellenz, interdisziplinäre Kooperation und die enge Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Forschungseinrichtungen. Das Ergebnis sind weltweit sichtbare Forschungsprojekte, die unsere Innovationskraft unterstreichen.

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Prodekanin für Forschung, akademische Karrieren und Wissens­transfer

Prof. Dr. Britt-Marie Schuster

Dekanat Kulturwissenschaften

Room H3.137
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn